Invoke the REST endpoint /money
via HTTP GET. On localhost with unmodified context path:
GET `http://localhost:8080/jaxrs-client-1.0/money
###Example response
"base": "EUR",
"date": "2017-04-13",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.4027,
"BGN": 1.9558,
"BRL": 3.3277,
"CAD": 1.4069,
"CHF": 1.0686,
"CNY": 7.3227,
"CZK": 26.704,
"DKK": 7.4376,
"GBP": 0.84763,
"HKD": 8.2652,
"HRK": 7.4255,
"HUF": 312.55,
"IDR": 14092,
"ILS": 3.8841,
"INR": 68.492,
"JPY": 116.01,
"KRW": 1202.9,
"MXN": 19.766,
"MYR": 4.6905,
"NOK": 9.1033,
"NZD": 1.5178,
"PHP": 52.584,
"PLN": 4.245,
"RON": 4.5189,
"RUB": 59.935,
"SEK": 9.582,
"SGD": 1.4845,
"THB": 36.503,
"TRY": 3.8991,
"USD": 1.063,
"ZAR": 14.38
Different JAX-RS implementations use different pooling strategy. This results in different reusability of WebTarget/Client.
- Deployment to an application server with Jersey as a JAX-RS implementation will work flawlessly, because Jersey uses HTTP connection pool internally by default. Example of such application server is Payara.
- Deployment to an application server with Resteasy as a JAX-RS implementation will cause an exception.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid use of BasicClientConnManager: connection still allocated.
Make sure to release the connection before allocating another one.