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@pulsebeam/peer: WebRTC Peer-to-Peer Communication SDK

Simplifies real-time application development. Defines signaling protocol for connection establishment, handling media and data transmission, and provides infrastructure.


  • Media & Data Support: Transmit audio, video, and/or data channels within your applications.
  • Abstracted Signaling: Handles the exchange of information required to set up WebRTC connections, relieving you of low-level details.
  • Automatic Reconnection: Maintains connection stability by automatically re-establishing connections when disruptions occur.
  • Opt out of Peer-to-Peer: Can configure to force server-relayed communication.


Install and import the package using npm, deno, or yarn:

Use with npm

Add Package

npm i @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";

Use with Yarn

Add Package

yarn add @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";


Here's an example demonstrating how to use @pulsebeam/peer to establish a peer-to-peer connection:

import { Peer, createPeer } from "@pulsebeam/peer";

// Obtain an authentication token (implementation specific)
const authResponse = await fetch("/auth");
const { groupId, peerId, token } = await authResponse.json();

// Create a Peer instance
const peer = await createPeer({ groupId, peerId, token });

// Define handlers for incoming events (optional)
peer.onsession = (session) => {
  session.ontrack = ({ streams }) => console.log("New media stream:", streams);
  session.ondatachannel = (event) => console.log("Data channel:",;
  session.onconnectionstatechange = () => console.log("Connection state changed");

// Start Alice's availability. Connect to our signaling servers

// Connect to bob
const abortController = new AbortController();
await peer.connect(groupId, "bob", abortController.signal);

This example retrieves an authentication token (implementation details will vary depending on your setup), creates a Peer instance, and defines event handlers for receiving media streams, data channels, and connection state changes (optional). Finally, it starts connection attempts and connects to a specific peer identified by its ID within the group.


For documentation, API keys, and usage scenarios, please refer to the official PulseBeam documentation:

WebRTC Resources

For a deeper understanding of WebRTC concepts, consult the official WebRTC documentation: