Releases: Pwnzer0tt1/firegex
Releases · Pwnzer0tt1/firegex
Firegex 3.2.1
- Parsing websocket extentions from server response
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.2.1
Firegex 3.2.0
- HTTP compression fix (now supporting brotli, zstd, gzip, deflate)
- bug fix on stream parsing when upgrading protocol
- flags for type of upgrade (h2 and ws)
- websocket Frame decode implemented (with support to permessage-deflate extention)
- fixed multiple header key: now as mentionated in the RFC multiple header with the same field, are concatenated with a comma in a single value, but also leaving the possibility to check how it was encoded originally
- updated docs
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0
Firegex 3.1.0
3.0.0 Fixing
- nfproxy: ipv6 invalid packet was risen due to an invalid payload size in the header (fixed)
- nfproxy: on invalid data on reserialize, double free was triggered
- API and DB: PK on nfproxy now is name + service_id (added service_id in the pyfilter model)
- API: added service_id reference at every pyfilter API
- nfproxy - fgex: when handling data types, now parsers can return a list of parsed values
- nfproxy - fgex: default rejecting connections on invalide parsing, added an option to customize this behaviour (documented in the docs)
- nfproxy - fgex: more checks on FGEX_ options (invalid values raise an exception on compiling)
- nfproxy - fgex: refactor of HTTP parser: now the same parser is used for all the stream and allows to parse correctly all the HTTP messages
- nfproxy - fgex: flush action don't destroy llhttp object but drops body first, and if necessary also all the other info
- tests: added tests for nfproxy
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.1.0
Firegex 3.0.0
Firegex 2.5.3
Firegex 2.5.2
- BUG: Sending to hyperscan the rebuilded flux instead of l4 data
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.5.1...2.5.2
Firegex 2.5.1
What's Changed
- regex are now checked directly by hyperscan with error messages from the engine
- general minor fixes
Pull Requests
- Fix and gh action for future nfproxy feature by @domysh in #14
- 2.5.1 Release by @domysh in #15
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1
Firegex 2.5.0
What's Changed
- New multithreading system integrated in c++
Now there is only 1 queue for each service: this thread analyze the packet, and hashing the ip and the port (the kernel with queue balance hash only the ips: this is bad in CTF context due to NAT using) choosing based on this the target thread that should handle the connection. This allows real-"multi threading" and have strong results on multiple connection when the load caused by filtering is not really fast - fail-open: exposing the possibility to enable fail-open option of nfqueue on the graphic interface
- fixed unique constraint on firewall module
- more RESTful APIs
- Added the option to edit service settings on nfregex
- fedora base container
- now can start different versions of firegex
Pull requests
- Releasing changes done for nfproxy influncing also nfregex and fixes -> 2.5.0 release by @domysh in #13
Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.5.0
Firegex 2.4.0
- Removed regex proxy feature (already deprecated now deleted)
- Using vectorscan to match regexes
- Using lintins to follow TCP streams
- Matching with stream regex TCP streams (now can't bypass filters splitting TCP traffic)
What's Changed
- Implementing new cpp nfqueue with hyperscan an stream regex assembling TCP packets with libtis by @domysh in #12
Full Changelog: 2.3.3...2.4.0
Firegex 2.3.3
What's Changed
- Add prometheus metrics endpoint for nfregexes by @Minei3oat in #11
New Contributors
- @Minei3oat made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: 2.3.2...2.3.3