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Merge pull request #483 from DLWoodruff/sizesEval
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bknueven authored Jan 25, 2025
2 parents e97735a + 461fe75 commit ef2aab3
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .ruff.toml
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# mpi-sppy: MPI-based Stochastic Programming in PYthon
# Copyright (c) 2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Alliance for
# Sustainable Energy, LLC, The Regents of the University of California, et al.
# All rights reserved. Please see the files and for
# full copyright and license information.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# This is the two-period version of the SIZES optimization model
# derived from the three stage model in:
#A. L{\o}kketangen and D. L. Woodruff,
#"Progressive Hedging and Tabu Search Applied to Mixed Integer (0,1) Multistage Stochastic Programming",
#Journal of Heuristics, 1996, Vol 2, Pages 111-128.
# This version uses expressions for stage costs. January 2025.

from pyomo.core import *

# Model

model = AbstractModel()

# Parameters

# the number of product sizes.
model.NumSizes = Param(within=NonNegativeIntegers)

# the set of sizes, labeled 1 through NumSizes.
def product_sizes_rule(model):
return list(range(1, model.NumSizes()+1))
model.ProductSizes = Set(initialize=product_sizes_rule)

# the deterministic demands for product at each size.
model.DemandsFirstStage = Param(model.ProductSizes, within=NonNegativeIntegers)
model.DemandsSecondStage = Param(model.ProductSizes, within=NonNegativeIntegers)

# the unit production cost at each size.
model.UnitProductionCosts = Param(model.ProductSizes, within=NonNegativeReals)

# the setup cost for producing any units of size i.
model.SetupCosts = Param(model.ProductSizes, within=NonNegativeReals)

# the cost to reduce a unit i to a lower unit j.
model.UnitReductionCost = Param(within=NonNegativeReals)

# a cap on the overall production within any time stage.
model.Capacity = Param(within=PositiveReals)

# a derived set to constrain the NumUnitsCut variable domain.
# TBD: the (i,j) with i >= j set should be a generic utility.
def num_units_cut_domain_rule(model):
ans = list()
for i in range(1,model.NumSizes()+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
return ans

model.NumUnitsCutDomain = Set(initialize=num_units_cut_domain_rule, dimen=2)

# Variables

# are any products at size i produced?
model.ProduceSizeFirstStage = Var(model.ProductSizes, domain=Boolean)
model.ProduceSizeSecondStage = Var(model.ProductSizes, domain=Boolean)

# NOTE: The following (num-produced and num-cut) variables are implicitly integer
# under the normal cost objective, but with the PH cost objective, this isn't
# the case.

# the number of units at each size produced.
model.NumProducedFirstStage = Var(model.ProductSizes, domain=NonNegativeIntegers, bounds=(0.0, model.Capacity))
model.NumProducedSecondStage = Var(model.ProductSizes, domain=NonNegativeIntegers, bounds=(0.0, model.Capacity))

# the number of units of size i cut (down) to meet demand for units of size j.
model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage = Var(model.NumUnitsCutDomain, domain=NonNegativeIntegers, bounds=(0.0, model.Capacity))
model.NumUnitsCutSecondStage = Var(model.NumUnitsCutDomain, domain=NonNegativeIntegers, bounds=(0.0, model.Capacity))

# stage-specific cost variables for use in the pysp scenario tree / analysis.
# changed to Expressions January 2025
#model.FirstStageCost = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
#model.SecondStageCost = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)

# Constraints

# ensure that demand is satisfied in each time stage, accounting for cut-downs.
def demand_satisfied_first_stage_rule(model, i):
return (0.0, sum([model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[j,i] for j in model.ProductSizes if j >= i]) - model.DemandsFirstStage[i], None)

def demand_satisfied_second_stage_rule(model, i):
return (0.0, sum([model.NumUnitsCutSecondStage[j,i] for j in model.ProductSizes if j >= i]) - model.DemandsSecondStage[i], None)

model.DemandSatisfiedFirstStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=demand_satisfied_first_stage_rule)
model.DemandSatisfiedSecondStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=demand_satisfied_second_stage_rule)

# ensure that you don't produce any units if the decision has been made to disable producion.
def enforce_production_first_stage_rule(model, i):
# The production capacity per time stage serves as a simple upper bound for "M".
return (None, model.NumProducedFirstStage[i] - model.Capacity * model.ProduceSizeFirstStage[i], 0.0)

def enforce_production_second_stage_rule(model, i):
# The production capacity per time stage serves as a simple upper bound for "M".
return (None, model.NumProducedSecondStage[i] - model.Capacity * model.ProduceSizeSecondStage[i], 0.0)

model.EnforceProductionBinaryFirstStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=enforce_production_first_stage_rule)
model.EnforceProductionBinarySecondStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=enforce_production_second_stage_rule)

# ensure that the production capacity is not exceeded for each time stage.
def enforce_capacity_first_stage_rule(model):
return (None, sum([model.NumProducedFirstStage[i] for i in model.ProductSizes]) - model.Capacity, 0.0)

def enforce_capacity_second_stage_rule(model):
return (None, sum([model.NumProducedSecondStage[i] for i in model.ProductSizes]) - model.Capacity, 0.0)

model.EnforceCapacityLimitFirstStage = Constraint(rule=enforce_capacity_first_stage_rule)
model.EnforceCapacityLimitSecondStage = Constraint(rule=enforce_capacity_second_stage_rule)

# ensure that you can't generate inventory out of thin air.
def enforce_inventory_first_stage_rule(model, i):
return (None, \
sum([model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i,j] for j in model.ProductSizes if j <= i]) - \
model.NumProducedFirstStage[i], \

def enforce_inventory_second_stage_rule(model, i):
return (None, \
sum([model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i,j] for j in model.ProductSizes if j <= i]) + \
sum([model.NumUnitsCutSecondStage[i,j] for j in model.ProductSizes if j <= i]) \
- model.NumProducedFirstStage[i] - model.NumProducedSecondStage[i], \

model.EnforceInventoryFirstStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=enforce_inventory_first_stage_rule)
model.EnforceInventorySecondStage = Constraint(model.ProductSizes, rule=enforce_inventory_second_stage_rule)

# stage-specific cost computations.
def first_stage_cost_rule(model):
production_costs = sum([model.SetupCosts[i] * model.ProduceSizeFirstStage[i] + \
model.UnitProductionCosts[i] * model.NumProducedFirstStage[i] \
for i in model.ProductSizes])
cut_costs = sum([model.UnitReductionCost * model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i,j] \
for (i,j) in model.NumUnitsCutDomain if i != j])
return (production_costs - cut_costs)

model.FirstStageCost = Expression(rule=first_stage_cost_rule)

def second_stage_cost_rule(model):
production_costs = sum([model.SetupCosts[i] * model.ProduceSizeSecondStage[i] + \
model.UnitProductionCosts[i] * model.NumProducedSecondStage[i] \
for i in model.ProductSizes])
cut_costs = sum([model.UnitReductionCost * model.NumUnitsCutSecondStage[i,j] \
for (i,j) in model.NumUnitsCutDomain if i != j])
return (production_costs - cut_costs)

model.SecondStageCost = Expression(rule=second_stage_cost_rule)

# PySP Auto-generated Objective
# minimize: sum of StageCosts
# A active scenario objective equivalent to that generated by PySP is
# included here for informational purposes.
def total_cost_rule(model):
return model.FirstStageCost + model.SecondStageCost
model.Total_Cost_Objective = Objective(rule=total_cost_rule, sense=minimize)

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# mpi-sppy: MPI-based Stochastic Programming in PYthon
# Copyright (c) 2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Alliance for
# Sustainable Energy, LLC, The Regents of the University of California, et al.
# All rights reserved. Please see the files and for
# full copyright and license information.
import os
import models.ExpressionModel as ref # the version with stage cost expressions
import mpisppy.utils.sputils as sputils

def scenario_creator(scenario_name, scenario_count=None):
if scenario_count not in (3, 10):
raise RuntimeError(
"scenario_count passed to scenario counter must equal either 3 or 10"

sizes_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
datadir = os.sep.join((sizes_dir, f"SIZES{scenario_count}"))
fname = datadir + os.sep + scenario_name + ".dat"
except Exception:
print("FAIL: datadir=", datadir, " scenario_name=", scenario_name)

model = ref.model.create_instance(fname)

# now attach the one and only tree node
varlist = [model.NumProducedFirstStage, model.NumUnitsCutFirstStage]
sputils.attach_root_node(model, model.FirstStageCost, varlist)

return model

def scenario_denouement(rank, scenario_name, scenario):

########## helper functions ########

def scenario_names_creator(num_scens,start=None):
# if start!=None, the list starts with the 'start' labeled scenario
# note that the scenarios for the sizes problem are one-based
if (start is None) :
return [f"Scenario{i}" for i in range(start, start+num_scens)]

def inparser_adder(cfg):
# add options unique to sizes

def kw_creator(cfg):
# (for Amalgamator): linked to the scenario_creator and inparser_adder
if cfg.num_scens not in (3, 10):
raise RuntimeError(f"num_scen must the 3 or 10; was {cfg.num_scen}")
kwargs = {"scenario_count": cfg.num_scens}
return kwargs

def sample_tree_scen_creator(sname, stage, sample_branching_factors, seed,
given_scenario=None, **scenario_creator_kwargs):
""" Create a scenario within a sample tree. Mainly for multi-stage and simple for two-stage.
(this function supports zhat and confidence interval code)
sname (string): scenario name to be created
stage (int >=1 ): for stages > 1, fix data based on sname in earlier stages
sample_branching_factors (list of ints): branching factors for the sample tree
seed (int): To allow random sampling (for some problems, it might be scenario offset)
given_scenario (Pyomo concrete model): if not None, use this to get data for ealier stages
scenario_creator_kwargs (dict): keyword args for the standard scenario creator funcion
scenario (Pyomo concrete model): A scenario for sname with data in stages < stage determined
by the arguments
# Since this is a two-stage problem, we don't have to do much.
sca = scenario_creator_kwargs.copy()
sca["seedoffset"] = seed
sca["num_scens"] = sample_branching_factors[0] # two-stage problem
return scenario_creator(sname, **sca)

######## end helper functions #########

########## a customized rho setter #############
# If you are using as a starting point for your model,
# you should be aware that you don't need a _rho_setter function.
# This demonstrates how to use a customized rho setter; consider instead
# a gradient based rho setter.
# note that _rho_setter is a reserved name....

def _rho_setter(scen, **kwargs):
""" rho values for the scenario.
scen (pyo.ConcreteModel): the scenario
a list of (id(vardata), rho)
This rho_setter will not work with proper bundles.
retlist = []
if not hasattr(scen, "UnitReductionCost"):
print("WARNING: _rho_setter not used (probably because of proper bundles)")
return retlist
RF = 0.001 # a factor for rho, if you like

if "RF" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["RF"], float):
RF = kwargs["RF"]

cutrho = scen.UnitReductionCost * RF

for i in scen.ProductSizes:
idv = id(scen.NumProducedFirstStage[i])
rho = scen.UnitProductionCosts[i] * RF
retlist.append((idv, rho))

for j in scen.ProductSizes:
if j <= i:
idv = id(scen.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i, j])
retlist.append((idv, cutrho))

return retlist

def id_fix_list_fct(s):
""" specify tuples used by the fixer.
s (ConcreteModel): the sizes instance.
i0, ik (tuples): one for iter 0 and other for general iterations.
Var id, threshold, nb, lb, ub
The threshold is on the square root of the xbar squared differnce
nb, lb an bu an "no bound", "upper" and "lower" and give the numver
of iterations or None for ik and for i0 anything other than None
or None. In both cases, None indicates don't fix.
import mpisppy.extensions.fixer as fixer

iter0tuples = []
iterktuples = []
for i in s.ProductSizes:
fixer.Fixer_tuple(s.NumProducedFirstStage[i], th=0.01, nb=None, lb=0, ub=0)
fixer.Fixer_tuple(s.NumProducedFirstStage[i], th=0.2, nb=3, lb=1, ub=2)
for j in s.ProductSizes:
if j <= i:
s.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i, j], th=0.5, nb=None, lb=0, ub=0
s.NumUnitsCutFirstStage[i, j], th=0.2, nb=3, lb=1, ub=2

return iter0tuples, iterktuples

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