Program connects to specified olts via telnet. Program can do commands like (depends on need):
interface gpon 0/x
display ont info y z
display ont optical-info y z
display ont info y all
- x <- board number
- y <- port number
- z <- ont id
Mainly communication to olt is used for reading information about onu like:
- Description
- Rx olt
- Tx olt
- Tx onu
- Rx onu
Program makes requests to LMS platform, searching device in system by "Description". If this action ends successful program reads information about client like:
House number
Adres ip
This is done using BS4 libray (scraping).
In separate view we can see results in time.
The most important functionality is:
- Finding group of clients by name, place, street
- In the second view we can click on user to see descrption about him
- Ordering clients by clicking on columns and finding the best, the worst rx/tx signal
- Grouping by place and street then calculating the best, the worst, the average rx/tx signal and doing ordering them by user. (by clicking on specific column) is the place, where we can set our credentials.
- Implementing async or threading with queue
- Finding another library instead of tkinter, which support multiproccessing
- Saving results in database and analyzing signal in long time.
The gui is presented in Polish.