Currently diving into OpenAi and Web Dev.
Starting in June 2022, officially work as a 9-5 Frontend developer! Heading towards the fullstack path.
Ask me about vuejs/reactjs/python/career move.
Reach me at:
Pronouns: She/her
(fun) fact: Everyday eat once, sleep 7 hours, walk and swim 2 hours, yet still look fat 🤣.
Goal: a simple life -- CODE, TRAVEL, CODE
Spoken 3 languages: English, Mandarin, Vietnamese.
- Responsive Web Design Certificate - FFC
- Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures - FFC
- Front End Development Libraries - FFC
- Back End Development and APIs - FFC
- Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express - IBM
- Python for Data Science, AI & Development - IBM
- Data Analyst Professional Certificate (V2)
- Graduated at B.C.S from the University of The People, USA.
- Currently I am working as a full-time frontend developer.