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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🏷️ area/documentation πŸ“œ
:label: area/documentation :scroll:
Improvements or additions to documentation
🏷️ area/github-action :octocat:
:label: area/github-action :octocat:
Github actions update
🏷️ area/test 🏁
:label: area/test :checkered_flag:
Update to testfiles
🏷️ priority/P0 urgent πŸ’€
:label: priority/P0 urgent :skull:
Urgent issues
🏷️ priority/P1 hotfix πŸ”₯
:label: priority/P1 hotfix :fire:
🏷️ priority/P2 low πŸ”…
:label: priority/P2 low :low_brightness:
Low - Never blocks a release
🏷️ priority/P3 cosmetic β˜„οΈ
:label: priority/P3 cosmetic :comet:
Very Low - Non-critical or cosmetic issues
🏷️ status/code reviewed πŸ…
:label: status/code reviewed :medal_sports:
🏷️ status/dev completed πŸŽ‰
:label: status/dev completed :tada:
The code is done
🏷️ status/feature released πŸš€
:label: status/feature released :rocket:
Feature released
🏷️ status/help wanted βœ‹
:label: status/help wanted :hand:
Extra attention is needed
🏷️ status/invalid 🚫
:label: status/invalid :no_entry_sign:
This doesn't seem right
🏷️ status/triage pending πŸ”
:label: status/triage pending :mag:
Needs investigation
🏷️ status/wontfix ⚰️
:label: status/wontfix :coffin:
This will not be worked on
🏷️ status/work in progress ✨
:label: status/work in progress :sparkles:
Work in progress
🏷️ tag/codeclimate 🌩️
:label: tag/codeclimate :cloud_with_lightning:
Codeclimate generated issues
🏷️ tag/good first issue 🐣
:label: tag/good first issue :hatching_chick:
Good for newcomers
🏷️ type/bug πŸ›
:label: type/bug :bug:
Issue type: bug. Something isn't working
🏷️ type/discussion β˜•
:label: type/discussion :coffee:
Discussion thread
This issue or pull request already exists
🏷️ type/enhancement πŸ’ͺ
:label: type/enhancement :muscle:
Feature enhancement
🏷️ type/feature request ⛱️
:label: type/feature request :parasol_on_ground:
New feature request
🏷️ type/proposal πŸ’‘
:label: type/proposal :bulb:
Issue type: proposal. Feature proposal
🏷️ type/question ❓
:label: type/question :question:
Issue type: question.