To keep my SQL skills sharp during early 2020 lockdown, I tried to reproduce the work of RAND's seminal 1955 paper, "A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates".
I failed. Not to recreate the same analysis; but to completely reproduce the precise same results. The differences are inconsequential, the digits are just as random, and useful, as they were originally; but the data on RAND's public website does not generate precisely the same results as that in the paper.
- In Table 1, "Frequencies of One Million Digits", I find one additional zero and one fewer two, somewhere between digits 350,000 and 400,000
- In Table 3, "Poker Tests on The Million Digits", I find one additional Bust, four additional Pair, four fewer Two pairs, and one fewer Full house
- In Table 5, "Frequencies of Ordered Pairs of Digits", I find one additional 4,4, one additional 9,1, and one fewer 9,4 and one fewer 4,1
- In Table 6, "Run Test", I find 31 additional singles, two additional pairs, 1 fewer run of 3, and eight fewer runs of four
I hypothesise a number of ways these differences could come about.
Given that these results are "incredibly close", it seems unlikely. Unfortuantely, the original code is lost to time.
The digits were originally created on 20,000 punchcards. Those went through various iterations and interpretations before ending up on RAND's website as a digital file. One of the differences identified could be literally a single bit-flip, which feels "possible".
I could find no literature on the subject of punchard machines and error rates. Perhaps a hanging chad or dimpled chat?
Famously, punchcards would occasionally get dropped and a poor tech would have to spend all night reordering them. Much of the code in this repository explores the possibility of a deck being out of order. I do not find any "smoking gun" cases (a simple re-ordering that would simultaneously explain all the differences), but a number of candidate reorderings that can explain each individual difference.
The originalmost paper was missing a digit in print. Various other iterations and editions have occurred over time; it's possible that these differences appear later.
The "ocr" folder includes scripts necessary to extract images from PDFs of the original paper on RAND's website, for running through a simple AI/image recognition tool. The digits handled this way do seem to align with that in the digital file.
I estimated it would cost ~3k USD to human-OCR this with Mechanical Turk.
"MDSearch" is a simple Java GUI for automatically populating the search table and querying it.
- None of these differences are statistically significant,
- I do believe the original tests accurately measured the data on the punchcards, and
- If you follow the original instructions, you still get high-quality randomness.
Data, as well as original analysis, sourced from this page:
WSJ Article:
The database I use is sqlite3, version 3.31 or later. I use a trigger on a temporary view to do the initial load (which isn't very portable to other databases); I expect the rest of the code to mostly work on at least PostgreSQL, but haven't tested it.
Tables prefixed with "mr1418_" are the results from the analysis in the original paper. Views with a "check_" prefix compare results from the original work with reproduced results.
A great deal of my explorations are looking for possible punchcards out of order to cause the differences I see. I find candidate possibilities, but not anything convincing or conclusive on the subject.
Use to recreate the database. Some examples of queries:
$ sqlite3 -header -column -init import.sql
> SELECT digit, COUNT(*) AS freq,
FROM digits GROUP BY digit ORDER BY digit;
digit freq cum_freq
----- ------ --------
0 99803 99803
1 100050 199853
2 100640 300493
3 100311 400804
4 100094 500898
5 100214 601112
6 99942 701054
7 99559 800613
8 100107 900720
9 99280 1000000
> SELECT AVG(digit) FROM digits;
> SELECT MIN(val), AVG(val), MAX(val), SUM(val) FROM deviates;
MIN(val) AVG(val) MAX(val) SUM(val)
---------- -------------------- ---------- -----------------
-4.417 -0.00342697999999514 3.976 -342.697999999514
> -- RAND Office Phone Numbers
> INSERT OR IGNORE INTO searchvals VALUES ('3930411'), ('4131100'), ('6832300');
> SELECT q, page, rownum, orig_rowtext FROM dosearch WHERE found;
q page rownum orig_rowtext
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4131100 293 14614 41069 15749 28541 31100 25983 21706 09643 07666 01573 52145
> .mode list
-4.5|.| 4
-4.3|.| 1
-4.1|.| 2
-3.9|.| 2
-3.7|.| 9
-3.5|.| 16
-3.3|.| 31
-3.1|.| 72
-2.9|#| 111
-2.7|##| 211
-2.5|###| 343
-2.3|#####| 509
-2.1|########| 822
-1.9|#############| 1296
-1.7|##################| 1841
-1.5|#########################| 2535
-1.3|##################################| 3415
-1.1|###########################################| 4323
-0.9|####################################################| 5187
-0.7|##############################################################| 6182
-0.5|#######################################################################| 7049
-0.3|##############################################################################| 7728
-0.1|##############################################################################| 7805
0.1|################################################################################| 7905
0.3|##############################################################################| 7738
0.5|########################################################################| 7155
0.7|###############################################################| 6321
0.9|#####################################################| 5264
1.1|############################################| 4408
1.3|##################################| 3428
1.5|##########################| 2654
1.7|###################| 1936
1.9|#############| 1337
2.1|#########| 915
2.3|#####| 577
2.5|###| 362
2.7|##| 227
2.9|#| 149
3.1|.| 57
3.3|.| 35
3.5|.| 27
3.7|.| 6
3.9|.| 6
4.1|.| 1
4.3|.| 1
This code is Copyright (C) 2021 RAND Corporation, and provided under the MIT license