Releases: RLAlpha49/Idle-Slayer-Script
Releases · RLAlpha49/Idle-Slayer-Script
- Fixed Auto ascension activating regardless of settings
- Possibly fixed problem with log files not being made fast enough resulting in error
- Hopefully fixed program getting stuck on perfect chest hunts. (Not tested)
- Fixed Chesthunt clicking wrong chest for saver
- Fixed Chesthunt not clicking next chest when getting 2x
- Increased Consistency with image to text function for Auto Ascension
- Added the buy upgrades/equipments after auto ascending
- Fixed total slayer points not being saved correctly
- Fixed minions not always getting claimed
- Added working Bonus Stage 2 Sections 1-3, 4 WIP
- Added version number to GUI Window title and home tab
- Automatically center GUI under Game window
- Log no longer displays as many repeated log messages.
-Added Auto Ascension!!!! (Must have at least 100k slayer points)
-Fixed issue in when compiled into .exe
-Program tracks basic stats
-Only updates log and stat text boxes when respective files are changed
-Fixed issue where program would continue running after exiting the GUI with the exit button
-Optimized the Auto Buy Upgrade & Equipment feature.
-Connected associated settings with the GUI
-Updated and added new elements/settings into GUI for future features (WIP)
-Added skip bonus stage, DO NOT UNCHECK. Bonus stage is WIP
-Added collection of minions. Must have "Leadership Master" upgrade
-Added collection of quests
-Added options for rage, raging with soul bonus, etc.
-Added cycle portals with portal dominion upgrade, NOT TESTED
-Added Auto Buy Equipment/Upgrades
-Completely fixed chesthunt and made it run through as fast as possible
-Fixed Chest Hunt not waiting long enough when mimic or 2x is collected.
-Fixed Saver being in the 3rd row resulting in wrong mouse location
-Fixed Portal being selected when under certain conditions.
Fixed chest hunt not exiting right away after finishing.