Version 1.7.0
RPKit v1.7
This release adds professions & item quality plugins, and updates the suite to 1.14.
There are two available professions implementations: crafting skill and professions. You should only use one at a time, and use the lib & implementation for the version you choose.
Crafting skill allows characters to level in any skill (mining/crafting/smelting).
Professions allows players to choose an amount of specific professions which levels their skill in those professions.
From the developer side, event-driven APIs are now available which allow plugins to respond to various RPKit events (such as a player switching characters).
The repository has moved to so if you need to use RPKit libraries as a dependency please direct your build scripts here.
#38 Add professions plugin
#40 Ad general crafting/smelting/mining plugin
#212 Add event-driven APIs
#285 Change gender to a free text field
#319 Add bStats
#320 Separate build scripts for each module
#323 Config setting for disabling character death in brewing is blank
#326 Add events to crafting skill plugin
#327 Incomplete default message for no minecraft profile in unconsciousness
#328 Add events for professions plugin
#329 Missing caching configs for crafting skill and professions
#330 IRC bot attempts to restart when the server is shutting down
#331 Lore is not set when crafting items
#332 Update spigot-api 1.14.4
#333 Update mysql-connector-java to 8.0.17
#334 Update sqlite-jdbc to 3.28.0
#335 Update commons-codec to 1.13
#336 Update guava to 28.0-jre
#337 Update ehcache to 3.8.0
#338 Update Kotlin to 1.3.41
#339 Update slf4j to 1.7.28
#340 Update jetty to 9.4.19.v20190610
#341 Update Vault to 1.7
#342 Update bStats to 1.5
#343 Update repo location
#344 Update WorldEdit to 7.0.1