Welcome to my LeetCode solutions repository! Here, you'll find my solutions to various LeetCode problems implemented in Python 3.
I'm Rupak Parajuli, a passionate programmer and problem solver. I enjoy tackling challenging algorithmic problems, and LeetCode provides the perfect platform for honing my skills. Through this repository, I aim to document my journey of solving LeetCode problems, sharing my thought process, and providing clear explanations of my solutions.
LeetCode is a popular online platform for practicing coding skills through a vast array of algorithmic problems. Solving LeetCode problems not only enhances my problem-solving abilities but also improves my understanding of data structures and algorithms.
In this repository, each LeetCode problem is neatly organized into its own directory. Inside each directory, you'll find:
- A README file providing a description of the problem, my approach to solving it, and the Python implementation.
- A Python script containing my solution code.
Feel free to explore the repository, dive into the problems, and check out my solutions!
- Browse Problems: Navigate through the directory structure to find the LeetCode problem you're interested in.
- Read Documentation: Read the README file within each problem directory to understand the problem description, my approach, and the Python implementation.
- Run Code: Copy the Python code provided in the README or directly run the Python script to see the solution in action.
I'm always open to feedback, suggestions, and collaboration opportunities. If you have any questions, improvements to suggest, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out to me.
Happy coding!
Rupak Parajuli