This repository contains a Python script for training and evaluating various machine learning models using MLflow for tracking experiments. The script leverages models from scikit-learn and processes a dataset to predict target classes.
- Model tracking and logging with MLflow.
- Support for multiple classifiers:
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- AdaBoost
- Automatic feature scaling and label encoding for categorical data.
- Logging of model parameters, accuracy, and experiment metadata.
Ensure you have the following packages installed:
pip install mlflow scikit-learn pandas numpy openpyxl
## Usage
1. Prepare Dataset
Place your dataset (glass (Imbalanced).xlsx) in the root directory. The dataset should have a column named Class as the target variable.
2. Run the Script
To run the script and log experiments:
3. View MLflow Dashboard
To track experiments and view metrics:
mlflow ui
Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to explore logged experiments.
# Machine Learning Model Training and Experimentation with MLflow
This repository contains a Python script for training and evaluating various machine learning models using **MLflow** for tracking experiments. The script leverages models from **scikit-learn** and processes a dataset to predict target classes.
## **Features**
- Model tracking and logging with MLflow.
- Support for multiple classifiers:
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- AdaBoost
- Automatic feature scaling and label encoding for categorical data.
- Logging of model parameters, accuracy, and experiment metadata.
## **Requirements**
Ensure you have the following packages installed:
pip install mlflow scikit-learn pandas numpy openpyxl
1. Prepare Dataset
Place your dataset (glass (Imbalanced).xlsx) in the root directory. The dataset should have a column named Class as the target variable.
2. Run the Script
To run the script and log experiments:
3. View MLflow Dashboard
To track experiments and view metrics:
mlflow ui
Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to explore logged experiments.
## Script Overview
Data Processing:
- The script reads data from glass (Imbalanced).xlsx.
- It handles categorical encoding and scales features using MinMaxScaler.
Model Training:
Trains models using four different classifiers:
- KNeighborsClassifier
- DecisionTreeClassifier
- RandomForestClassifier
- AdaBoostClassifier
MLflow Logging:
- Logs parameters, accuracy, and other metrics.
## Model Configuration
Modify the models list in the script to add or update models and their hyperparameters:
models = [
("KNeighborsClassifier", KNeighborsClassifier(), {"n_neighbors": 3}),
("DecisionTreeClassifier", DecisionTreeClassifier(), {}),
("RandomForestClassifier", RandomForestClassifier(), {"n_estimators": 27, "criterion": 'entropy'}),
("AdaBoostClassifier", AdaBoostClassifier(algorithm="SAMME"), {"n_estimators": 50})
## Contributions
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.