Welcome to the MedicoPortal repository! This project is designed to streamline healthcare management by providing a comprehensive system for patient management and medical records. MedicoPortal aims to enhance the healthcare experience for both patients and providers through a robust set of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of the medical community.
MedicoPortal provides an intuitive and secure platform where patients can manage their health information, and healthcare providers can efficiently handle patient data and medical records. Our system ensures that critical medical information is easily accessible and up-to-date, fostering better communication and decision-making between patients and their healthcare providers.
Functional Requirements:
- Enable patients to request updates to their health information.
- Allow doctors to securely access and update patient records.
- Provide an intuitive interface for doctors to review and update health records.
- Enable patients to review updated health information.
Functional Requirements:
- Maintain a database of doctors with specialization, qualifications, and contact details.
- Categorize doctors by specialization.
- Display detailed doctor profiles.
- Implement search functionality for doctors by name or specialization.
Patient Functional Requirements:
- View allergies, chronic diseases, medical reports, medicines, and daily check-up records.
- Update general data and add daily check-up records.
Doctor Functional Requirements:
- View and update patient's allergies, chronic diseases, medicines, and medical reports.
- View patient's daily check-up records.
Functional Requirements:
- Provide registration forms for patients and doctors.
- Validate input and store user information.
- Enable users to log out, terminating the session and redirecting to the main page.
- Backend: ASP.NET
- Frontend: React.js
- Database: SQL server
- Authentication: JWT
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and go to
to access the app.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding this project, you can reach us at:
Name: Raghad Hanon
- Email: Raghadhanoon2015@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Raghad Hanon LinkedIn
Name: Nada Asad
- Email: nadaasad2003@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Nada Asad LinkedIn
Name: Hanan Issa
- Email: hananissa2018@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Hanan Issa LinkedIn
Name: Abeer Mahmoud
- Email: abeerahmad159357@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Abeer Mahmoud LinkedIn