How to Avoid the web application traffic in peak hours and mannage the all traffic without down-time
I create one hospital sample application for automate orchestration and kubernetes micro service module. so we use Containaraized application for user traffic managing and effective usage also. Add some monitoring tool and proplem triggering alarts for curicial time.so, I try to make a examble of good application modules and process flow for CI/CD
Am try to make a end to end automating so, I used azure devops tool and some open source tools. real time aspects like (DEV,QA,PROD) and Devops methodology.
- VM
- Mongo DB
- Storage service
- Azure devops
Azure Infrasture micro-service diagram
CI/CD open source idealogy Infrasture micro-service diagram
App Screen-shot
"# Jeeva-Hospital-employee-management-system"