This repo is designed for continuous integration testing run pipelines, that analyse entries in the YottaDB database
git clone
A working installation of YottaDB installed on the same machine.
A ydb executable in the system path i.e.
ln -s /usr/local/yottadb/ydb /usr/local/bin/ydb
Add a name for each test as the name value. Add the YottaDB global entries to be interogated as the global values in the JSON file. Add the values expected as the value values. Add the execution action as a command line statement for the action value
Run the testrun python script:
Output will appear to screen relating to whether each test passes or fails
By default, the testrun script will look for a test.json file in the same directory but an alternate JSON file/location can be specified by adding a -f or --file flag i.e.
./ --file="/tmp/test.json"
The output from the script can be attained as a HTML report for integration with CI/CD engines such as Jenkins and the HTML publisher plugin:
Output will appear as in the example image.
To attain a HTML report. add the output flag to the command line and so:
./ -o