In this Project, I usually used openCv library for extracting different features of an image i.e; Gray Scale Image, Binary Image, Blue Image, Smoothing the image, Blurring the image, Detecting the edge of an image, adding Saturation in image, Converting the image into Green image, and other more features to an image.
computer sees the image between 0-255 , for coloured images there will be 3 channels i.e;Red, Blue and Green and matrix
associated with these channels and each elements of this matrix represents the intensity of brightness of that pixels.A
computer interprete a coloured matrix as 3-D matrix.
- Open Cv
- Numpy
- Gray Scale Image
- Binary Image
- Blue Image
- Smothening the Image
- Bluring the Image
- Detecting the edge of image
- Saturation
- Green
- Red
- Value
- Cropping the image
- Doubling the image
- Transposing the image
- Detecting the Face in an image
Binary Image
Gray Image
Normal Image
Hue,Saturation and Green,Blue and Red in one image
for face detection we need a image and after that we have a cascade classifier ,it contains the features of face.The open cv
will be read the image and feature the file i.e; convert into numpy array and search for the row and column values of the
face numpy ndarray (The face rectangular coordinates)and display the image with rectangular box.