A P2P Blockchain Network Simulation as part of CS 765 : Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts at IIT Bombay
You must have Graphviz installed over your system to be able to print the network topology. Check this link to download a version compatible to your system - https://graphviz.org/download/
git clone https://github.com/ariel-waisburg/p2p-network-simulator
cd p2p-network-simulator
g++ main.cpp -o simulation.exe
Enter the number of peers in the network: 11
Mean time of block interarrival in seconds: 600
Mean number of transaction per second: 0.05
Duration for the simulation to run in seconds: 4000
Enter the percentage of slow peers in the network (%): 45
Enter the percentage of low cpu in the network (%): 55
Network topology visualization -> graph.png
Simulation dump -> simulation_output.txt