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Common Tasks

Mark Bussey edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 13 revisions
  • Stop the VM if it's running

    1. Find the terminal window where you started vagrant
    2. Exit the VM if needed (i.e. if you have a *vagrant@camper prompt: exit
    3. Type
      vagrant halt
  • Start the VM if it's not running

    1. Open a new terminal window on your host system
    2. Change directory to the directory with Vagrantfile in it
    3. Type
      vagrant up
  • Connect to the VM

    1. From the directory with Vagrantfile in it on your host system, type
      vagrant ssh
    2. For the tutorials here, you'll always want to run from the same directory. Change your working directory:
      cd /vagrant/duke2018
  • Start Solr, Fedora, and web servers hydra:server

    1. Open a separate terminal and connect to a new ssh session where you can leave the servers running (see the steps above)
    2. Type cd /vagrant/duke2018 to change directory to the root of your Rails application
    3. Type rails hydra:server to start Solr, Fedora, and the Web server
  • Start Solr, Fedora servers for you test environment hydra:test_server

    1. Open a separate terminal and connect to a new ssh session where you can leave the servers running (see the steps above)
    2. Type cd /vagrant/duke2018 to change directory to the root of your Rails application
    3. Type rails hydra:test_server to start Solr, Fedora, and the Web server

      ALTERNATE Instead of leaving your test servers running using the command in 3. You can start your servers each time using rails ci and Solr and Fedora will start before running the tests and then shut down automatically after the test suite has run

  • Editing files

    1. This tutorial assumes that you run the examples within your virtual machine from the /vagrant/duke2018 directory
    2. The entire /vagrant directory in your virtual machine (guest) is shared to your laptop (host), so you can use your favorite editor or IDE to edit files easily at path-you-copied-to-on-your-host-system/vagrant/ohsu2018
    3. Inside the guest machine, you can also use common Linux editors like vim and nano to edit files.
  • Start a Rails console

    1. Make sure you're connected to the VM
    2. Type cd /vagrant/duke2018 to change directory to the root of your Rails application
    3. Type rails console to enter the console (or rails c for shorthand)
    4. Type exit when you're done to return to the command line
  • Fix Solr if you get an error like ERROR: Core 'hydra-test' already exists!

    1. Clear the test solr instance using rm -rf tmp/solr-test/server/solr/hydra-test
    2. ALTERNATE Try solr_wrapper --config config/solr_wrapper_test.yml clean
    3. Try rails ci again and things should work; if not, ask for help!
  • Wipe out everything and start over

    1. On your host system, open a terminal window and switch to your vagrant directory cd [path-on-your-local-system]/vagrant
    2. Kill the Vagrant virtual machine vagrant destroy - answer 'y' when prompted
    3. OPTIONAL WITH FIRE Remove the base virtual machine vagrant box remove --all camper
    4. Follow the Initial Vagrant Setup instructions again