This repository includes a set of ontologies which enable cuneiform artifact related data to be interconnected.
The goal of this collection of ontologies is to connect:
- Linked Data Dictionaries defined by the Ontolex-Lemon model
- Cuneiform 3D meshes
- 3D renderings
- Photos
- Part of Speech Tagging Vocabularies
- Annotations on the aforementioned media
For an overview of all parts of the ontology model please check out the Github Page of this repository:
Annotation vocabularies used in this repository are suited for the need of annotations being made on depictions of sides of cuneiform tablets.
The previous picture shows possible areas of annotation on a cuneiform tablet. These areas among others are covered by the annotation vocabulary which is present in this repository and might be used in any annotation program using for example the W3C Web Annotation Data Model for annotation.
The JSON transliteration format is a JSON representation of the ASCII transliteration format which is considered to be used as the data storage format at CDLI. As JTF is a JSON-based format it is ideal to be extended with a JSON-LD context to serve as a linked data format for cuneiform digital scholarly editions. In this repository, JSON-LD context for JTF is provided, which is backwards compatible to JTF. In this way, JTF can be used as a data storage format as intended and with some additional annotations is serves as a linked data representation compatible to the ontology model presented in this repository
This repository includes vocabularies for annotating Part Of Speech Tags derived from the OLiA model. The following languages may be annotated with the vocabularies provided:
- Akkadian
- Hittite The vocabularies include a specific Part Of Speech Tagging set by the Hethitology portal Mainz, refined by experts of the University of Mainz. The definition of different part of speech tagging sets is possible.
To enable an interconnectivity of different data repositories with the given ontology model, conversion scripts for data dumps of the following repositories are provided in this repository:
- Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): This conversion script parses the metadata dump of the cuneiform digital library initiative to create a linked data representation of cuneiform artifacts. As CDLI only provides artifact metadata and transliterations of some artifacts, the script could at the maximum be extended to also represent transliteration representations in linked data
- ORACC: This conversion script converts corpora of ORACC as shown in to the RDF represntation of this repository. In particular, the script is adapted to parse individual .json files of the respective corpus of ORACC. Future work may extend this script to also include annotations such as places, temples, people and divine beings provided in ORACC corpora