Releases: RespectNetwork/csp-provisioning-application
v0.6.3: Merge pull request #30 from RespectNetwork/integration
Fixes as part of this release are :
[PCLOUD-76]: Home Page should display the cloud name in lower case always like "=cloudname".-Provisioning-Application: Issues on cloudPage.
[PCLOUD-258]: For personal cloud owners who do not have a SocialSafe license key, they should get one , when they login to their personal clouds.
[PCLOUD-163]: User is able to signup with "Sorry, that cloud name is not available. Please try again." error message on the signup page.
[PCLOUD-314]: SocialSafe license key value is not displaying on cloud page after login.
06/12/2014 release to PROD
v0.4.9 Update stylesheet.css
Update pom.xml
compilation error fix due to change in csp sdk API for check cloudname
0.2 release
This release contains:
Neustar Ref # RN Ref # Notes
68 insufficient contrast for font color in registration and payment forms
70 Improper error message while creating iname with invalid name.
As of this release we are now presenting this error upon a cloud name formatting error, “This cloud name is invalid”
84 Change password capability.
Recover password slated for next release.
95 28 payment screen shows credit card option when there should be none.
97 27 dependent screen error handling.
Date, cloud name, password, consent fields are all checked for valid values before allowing the user to proceed.
98 30 logos on the CC payment page.
The CSP logos have been moved to the top of page.
100 9 Error message typo in case of invalid giftcode
101 31 Block users from signing up without invite codes
114 add an = to a name if it's not provided by the user on both the login, signup and dependent pages.
115 37 users should be blocked from registering unavailable names
142 Dependent registration page validation rules have been sync’d up with registration rules and error messages.
143 dependent registration date field are US style when the rest of the world (generally) follows a DD/MM/YYYY pattern. Using individual menu lists for Day Month Year would alleviate any incorrect data entry and form validation issues.
We have added a “date picker” widget.