This project is based on .NET 7 Web API & Entity Framework Jumpstart Udemy course.
📌 Web API
📌 Entity Framework Core
📌 Authentication
📌 Advanced Relationships with Entity Framework Core
📌 More Than Just CRUD
- Built a complete .NET 7 back-end with Web API, Entity Framework Core, SQL Server
- Utilize all three types of relationships in your database: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
- Implement best practices like a proper structure for your Web API, Dependency Injection, asynchronous calls with async/await and Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs)
- Seed data with code-first migrations programmatically
- Implement Token Authentication with JSON Web Tokens & Roles
- Use the HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT & DELETE
- Use LINQ to filter, sort, map, select and access your entities