is my resume generated using R package pagedown. is my resume using R markdown.
assn03 consists of some blastn (blast/2.3.0+) searches to search watermelon nad4L nucleotide sequences. is a PBS python script to run in the razor cluster of AHPCC is a slurm python script to run in the pinnacle cluster of AHPCC
screen shot that shows thepwdand script commands, followed by the output of the script.
dna.txt contains the DNA sequence of nad4L
a python script that estimates the frequency of the Adenine,Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine of the file dna.txt.
Assignment 6. Using csv, argparse and biopython packages parsing a GFF file and slicing and extracting the sequence from the genome. Assignment 7. rev_comp function added that calculates reverse complement of the features that are on '-' strand. Building a coding sequence (CDS) for each gene, which consists of all the exons properly sliced together.