Touch Action is a Ruby Gem used to add touch gestures simulation to the Watir-WebDriver, Selenium-WebDriver and Capybara in order to perform automated tests on (mobile and desktops) websites that requires those type of actions. It encapsulates the touch action library of YUI JS. Very useful for example when testing mobile websites using Appium.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'touch_action'
And then execute:
$ bundle
And then add require 'touch_action'
to your spec_helper.rb or wherever you want to use it.
On the element you want to perform the action, just call touch_action(:name_of_gesture). It currently supports Selenium, Watir-Webdriver and Capybara elements. Here's the example using a Watir element.
element = @driver.div(:id, 'hit')
###Available Gestures
It's currently supporting the gestures bellow. The only required argument is the action symbol, the rest are optional (here it's showing the default options for each action).
element.touch_action(:flick, axis: 'x', distance: 100, duration: 50) #flick and swipe are the same
element.touch_action(:pinch, r1: 50, r2: 100)
element.touch_action(:press, hold: 2000)
element.touch_action(:move, path: {xdist: 70, ydist: -50}, duration: 500)
element.touch_action(:rotate, {rotation: -75})
###Capybara and RSpec
To use it with Capybara and Rspec, just do the following:
it "should tap using capybara", js: true do
touch_action '#myElement', :tap #it will also accept options here
For more information about how those methods work, please check the YUI Documentation.
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/touch_action/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request