You are looking for an Advertising Joomla Extension for Joomla 3.0? You are a fan of Pinterest and you are interested in the features of this website? Now, we're proud to introduce to you a new package for advertising in Joomla 3.0.TZ Pinboard. This package is a Joomla Extension taking after the features of Pinterest.
TZ Pinboard inherits almost every features of Pinterest such as Add pin, Upload pin, Board Manerger, Like, Follow,Comment,etc)
So, don't you be hesitate anymore.Let download and try TZ Pinboard rightnow. It's totally free!
Documentation can be found on the wiki project page:
*** Changelog ***
04/05/13 - 3.0.3
Bootstrap integrate
[bug] Fix error check link url
[feature] Check token when submit ajax
[feature] Convert url to shortlink
03/25/13 - 3.0.1
This is start version