This is the ROS repository for MultiPle omni drive based robots used in a constrained indoor setting for navigating to efficently reache their respective goals. We have designed a modular setting for a deploying both centralized and decentralized planning for traversing the terrain with other robts in the enviroment. The major locatization is done using Apriltags and used odometry for more accurate control. We have Also Implemented MultiAgent Reinforcement LEarning in a Decentralized as well as Centrallized Manner which can be found in the other repository.
For Hardware code visi This particular repo Swarmbot-Hardware
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd Swarm-Bot
cd ../..
catkin build #or catkin_make
This would launch 4 Robots with its own namespaces for controlling them individually.
roslaunch dot_gazebo gazebo.launch ps:=ps1
roslaunch dot_gazebo gazebo.launch ps:=ps2
- Somnath Kumar
- Varad Pandey
- Harsh Mahesheka
- Sandeepan Ghosh
- Ankur Agrawal
- Prateek
- Surabhit Gupta
- Vishwas Chepuri
- Pranav Mittal
- Aryaman Gupta
- Dhruv Agarwal
- Vivek Agarwal