Project built in React💙
A responsive e-commerce application simulating an online fashion shop, where users can browse fashion items, add them to cart and favorites. Integrated with the FakeStore API to dynamically display product data.
➡️ Project Link:
Online_shop has a mobile version 📱 !!
- Built with React, React Router DOM, Vite,
- SessionStorage stores data during active browser session,
- TypeScript ensures type safety and improves code quality,
- React Query manages server state, caching and efficient data fetching,
- Redux Toolkit ensures effective state management,
- tested with unit tests using React Testing Library with Jest,
- styled with TailwindCSS project is fully responsive, utilizes RWD principles.
CSS Modules
This project uses npm as package manager
npm install
To run locally clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Online_shop
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Created by Kasia Rosińska @RosinskaK - feel free to contact me! 👋
Live link: