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Rinav edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Term Graphics a simple terminal graphics and rendering library

This is a wiki for my Terminal Graphics library


Folder Structure
Renderer Ascii

Folder Structure

├── assets
├── Camera
├── dependencies
├── Engine
├── Examples
├── l_gebra
├── window
├── renderer2D
├── sprite_engine.cpp
├── time
└── Makefile

This library has a very simple folder structure

assets folder contains all the assets required in demos and during development & some default assets that you can use during your development too, like some sprites and obj files etc..

Camera folder a simple 2D camera implementation.

dependencies folder contains external (only **stb_image (special thanks to nothings)) & in library implementations of dependencies like color, font, image, gradient, font etc. that you can use without importing them as they're already imported in Ascii class.

Engine contains implementation of 3D renderer Engine3D and related classes like Mesh and Triangle3D

Examples contains, well Examples

l_gebra folder contains l_gebra a linear algebra header only library written by me again

time folder contains implementations of utilities that deal with time like Fps engine and all.

Window folder contains implementations of window management which mostly deals with i/o, drawing and keyboard and mouse events.

renderer2D contains implementation of 2D renderer ascii and related implementations

Renderer Ascii

A simple main interface needed for most graphics and most of the general work


The Renderer class provides a set of functions for drawing various shapes, text, and UI elements onto a buffer in a terminal-based environment. It supports rendering points, lines, circles, rectangles, triangles, polygons, and various UI components like buttons and sliders. Additionally, the class includes functionality for anti-aliasing and gradient fills.


This library uses double the width of given provided width to tackle rectangular pixels in terminal so it appears square, you will notice it's odd effects in many places, so please bear with it. :)


Constructors and Destructors

  • Renderer(): Default constructor. Initializes an empty Renderer object.
  • Renderer(size_t width, size_t height): Initializes a Renderer with the specified width and height.
  • Renderer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer): Initializes a Renderer using an existing Buffer object.
  • Renderer(size_t width, size_t height, Color bg_color): Initializes a Renderer with the specified width, height, and background color.
  • ~Renderer(): Destructor. Cleans up any resources used by the Renderer.

Initialization and Buffer Management

  • const Buffer &get_buffer() const: Returns a reference to the internal buffer used by the Renderer.
  • size_t get_width() const: Returns the width of the rendering buffer.
  • size_t get_height() const: Returns the height of the rendering buffer.
  • void Init(): Initializes the rendering process.
  • void end(): Ends the rendering process, potentially finalizing any drawing operations.

Point Drawing

  • bool draw_point(utl::Vec<int, 2> point, char c, Color color = Color(WHITE)): Draws a single point at the specified location with the given character and color.
  • bool draw_point2(utl::Vec<int, 2> point, char c, char c2, Color color = Color(WHITE)): Draws a single point with two characters at the specified location with the given color.
  • bool draw_point(const Point &point): Draws a Point object at its specified location.
  • bool draw_half_point(utl::Vec<int, 2> point, char c, bool left, Color color = Color(WHITE)): Draws a half-point character, either left or right half, at the specified location.
  • bool draw_half_point(const half_point &point): Draws a half_point object at its specified location.

Line Drawing

  • void draw_line(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, utl::Vec<int, 2> end, char c, Color color = Color(WHITE)): Draws a line between two points using the specified character and color.
  • void draw_line(const Line &line): Draws a Line object with the defined properties.
  • void draw_anti_aliased_line(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, utl::Vec<int, 2> end, Color color = Color(WHITE)): Draws an anti-aliased line between two points using color blending.
  • void draw_anti_aliased_line(const Line &line): Draws an anti-aliased Line object.

Circle Drawing

  • void draw_circle(utl::Vec<int, 2> center, int radius, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws an outline of a circle centered at the specified point with the given radius, character, and color.
  • void draw_circle(const Circle &circle): Draws a Circle object with the defined properties.
  • void draw_fill_circle(utl::Vec<int, 2> center, int radius, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws a filled circle at the specified center with the given radius, character, and color.
  • void draw_fill_circle(const Circle &circle): Draws a filled Circle object.

Rectangle Drawing

  • void draw_rectangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, int width, int height, char ch, char char2 = '@', Color color = WHITE): Draws an outline of a rectangle starting at the specified point with the given width, height, characters, and color.
  • void draw_rectangle(const Rectangle &rectangle): Draws a Rectangle object with the defined properties.
  • void draw_fill_rectangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, int width, int height, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws a filled rectangle starting at the specified point with the given width, height, character, and color.
  • void draw_fill_rectangle(const Rectangle &rectangle): Draws a filled Rectangle object.
  • void draw_rect_linear_gradient(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, int width, int height, char ch, Gradient &gradient, bool horizontal = true): Draws a rectangle filled with a linear gradient, either horizontally or vertically.
  • std::pair<float, float> rotate_point(float x, float y, float angle): Rotates a point around the origin by a specified angle.
  • void draw_rect_rotated_gradient(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, int width, int height, char ch, Gradient &gradient, float angle): Draws a rectangle filled with a rotated linear gradient.
  • void draw_rect_radial_gradient(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, int width, int height, char ch, Gradient &gradient): Draws a rectangle filled with a radial gradient.

Triangle Drawing

  • void draw_triangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> a, utl::Vec<int, 2> b, utl::Vec<int, 2> c, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws an outline of a triangle using the specified vertices, character, and color.
  • void draw_triangle(const Triangle &triangle): Draws a Triangle object with the defined properties.
  • void draw_antialiased_triangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> a, utl::Vec<int, 2> b, utl::Vec<int, 2> c, Color color = WHITE): Draws an anti-aliased triangle using color blending.
  • void draw_antialiased_triangle(const Triangle &triangle): Draws an anti-aliased Triangle object.
  • void draw_fill_triangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> a, utl::Vec<int, 2> b, utl::Vec<int, 2> c, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws a filled triangle using the specified vertices, character, and color.
  • void draw_fill_triangle(const Triangle &triangle): Draws a filled Triangle object.
  • void draw_fill_antialias_triangle(utl::Vec<int, 2> a, utl::Vec<int, 2> b, utl::Vec<int, 2> c, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws a filled anti-aliased triangle using the specified vertices, character, and color.
  • void draw_fill_antialias_triangle(const Triangle &triangle): Draws a filled anti-aliased Triangle object.

Polygon and Arc Drawing

  • void draw_polygon(std::vector<utl::Vec<int, 2>> vertices, char ch, Color color = WHITE): Draws a polygon defined by a list of vertices using the specified character and color.
  • void draw_polygon(const Polygon &polygon): Draws a Polygon object with the defined properties.
  • void draw_arc(utl::Vec<int, 2> center, int radius, char ch, float end_angle, float start_angle = 0.0f, Color color = WHITE): Draws an arc (portion of a circle) centered at the specified point with the given radius, character, color, and angles.

Text Rendering

  • void draw_text(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, const std::string &text, Color color = WHITE): Draws text starting at the specified point with the given color.
  • void draw_text_constrained(utl::Vec<int, 2> start, const std::string &text, size_t width, Color color = WHITE): Draws text within a constrained width starting at the specified point with the given color.