This is based on the FIRtro and pre.di.c projects, as PC based digital preamplifier and crossover projects, designed by the pioneer @rripio and later alongside others contributors.
The main software on which this project is based:
XOVER filtering, DRC and soft EQ: the Brutefir convolution engine
Audio connections: JACK
Other GNU audio software we use here:
CamillaDSP, currently used for some EQ purposes.
Networked audio and IIR filtering are based on Fons Adriaensen utilities
For music files library playing we use MPD (Music Player Daemon)
For CD, DVB-T (digital terrestial radio broadcasting) or internet streamed music we use Mplayer
Former IIR filtering plugins were supported by Ecasound (obsolete currently)
Most of the system is written in Python3, and config files are YAML kind of, thanks @rripio.
The control of the system is based on a tcp server architecture, thanks @amr. is a DIY audio project, aimed at achieving the best management for a loudspeaker system.
It is a versatile, and fully customizable Linux platform based audio system, providing an user friendly interface.
Its main feature is the management, filtering and EQ of a multiway active loudspeaker system. A regular passive loudspeakers can be used as well.
Full hi-fi preamplifier features are available.
In addition, you can control unlimited audio sources:
External audio sources:
- DVB-T radio (USB dongle)
- Apple TV box, cable TV
- TV
- Analog sources (FM, vinyl, ...)
- etc ...
Internal audio sources:
- CD drive
- Internet radio
- Spotify
- Hard Disk mp3/flac/aiff/wav files
- Desktop apps (i.e: Youtube, etc )
- Loudspeaker anechoic correction
- Digital Room Correction
- Multiway crossover
- Advanced FIR filtering (optionally traditional IIR filtering)
- Target EQ curves for subjective in room responses
Simple control from your smartphone, tablet or desktop web browser.
Main control web features are:
Calibrated volume listening supported by an EBU R128 Loudness monitor.
Calibrated equal loudness compensation curves (ISO 226:2003 standard) for low SPL listening without loosing low and high bands perception
Hi-Fi preamp controls (volume, tone, balance, subsonic, stereo/mono, mute, loudness, source selector, amplifier on/off)
User defined presets for EQ modes and xover FIR filtering
User defined macro buttons for easy listening to file playlist or Spotify playlists, preferred radio stations, etc...
Displays metadata, bitrate and time of playback sources.
Playback control (pause, next, prev, etc) for integrated players (Spotify desktop, MPD daemon, CD).
Optional control by a remote IR
Optional LCD display for basic information and playback metadata visualization.
A mouse attached to a 'black box' can be used as an easy-access volume/mute control.
An simple script will update the whole system from GitHub, without user intervention.
See files and FAQ under the doc/
folfer is a tool to design your own FIRs (loudspeaker EQ and XOVER), from the pioneer @rripio.
We also recommend rePhase for FIR design.
Regarding room correction EQ, you can use both IIR (parametric correction) or FIR (impulse correction).
FIR DRC is supported under a reserved convolver stage on Brutefir.
IIR DRC can be implemented through by the provided Ecasound add-on script, then bypassing the convolver stage above.
The most popular software for room Eq is REW
As experimental FIR DRC correction software you could also consider: is designed to be a 'black box' headless system, no monitor keyboard or mouse are needed at all. If needed, you can stream audio wirelessly from your smartphone or tablet to the 'black box'.
In addition, the system can be easily integrated in a Linux Desktop with monitor, keyboard and mouse, no special configurations are needed. This way you can listen to your favourite desktop applications as Spotify, Youtube, watching movies, etc...
My preferred system configuration is a 'headless Desktop', because this way you can have a Spotify Desktop application running on background, which will provide full metadata info to be displayed under the control web page or the optional LCD display, without needing an attached monitor. Anyway you can use your TV-hdmi as monitor for
MPD (Music Player Daemon) is integrated as the player for your audio files.
You can control your playback in several ways:
- Web page user defined buttons for launching favourites playlist to be played
- Web playback control buttons: next, previous, pause, ...
- A samartphone/tablet MPD app for a total control of the music library
- A desktop MPD application (regular desktop usage of mouse and keyboard)
You can play CD directly on your CD drive unit, or by an external CD player.
When you use the internal one drive, the CD metadata (artist, album, title) will be displayed on the control web page or on the optional LCD display.
You can use your smartphone or tablet Spotify App to control the integrated Spotify player.
So the Spotify App simply controls the Spotify connect client inside, but the audio stream comes directly from the internet to your system loudspeakers.
In a desktop system, you can also use a Linux desktop Spotify application.
In current days, the best audio quality radio is available from the TV terrestial broadcast network (DVB-T). You will need a DVB-T USB dongle, see details under the /doc/
and share/scripts/
In addition, you can listen to Internet Radio stations or audio streams without any extra hardware, see share/scripts/
Also, a classical FM tuner can be attached via analog sound card inputs.
A script is provided for you to switch a relay USB controlled socket strip.
You can easily configure two networked loudspeaker systems to listen from each other.
If desired, the volume level on both can be linked.
When arriving home while listening to your favourite podcast through by your iPhone phones, you can easily switch to listen through by your loudspeakers:
Power on, then select source: Airplay (integrated) or Apple TV (optional external)
On your iPhone select Airplay '' (or 'Apple TV').