This is a work developed for the Embedded System class for the Mechatronic Engineering course at Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo. The class is ministered by the Professors Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin and Daniel Varela Magalhães and the monitor Henrique Garcia.
- Felipe de Almeida @felipeayuso
- Isaac Prates @ipfalvim
- Rubens Henrique @Rubenshc
- Gustavo Corbucci @guscorbucci
The main objective was to develop an embedded system using BeagleBone Black or Toradex platforms. Our group chose to develop a controlled rotational platform for recycled glass bottle's finishing using a blowtorch using the Beaglebone Black ( Recycled glass bottles are cut into a cup using an electric resistance. The unfinished cup is attached to the rotational platform where its edges finishing is done with the help of a blowtorch. The platform can rotate with three different programs, varying speed and total time, as required for each type of glass bottle, according to diameter and glass thickness.
- BeagleBone Black
- H-Bridge L298N
- 3x White LEDs
- 2x Push Buttons
- 6V DC motor with gear reduction
The coding was done on Python for Linux ( and Adafruit-BeagleBone-IO-Python (
- Cutting glass bottle into cup with electric resistance:
- Glass cup platform controlled with Beaglebone Black:
- Glass cup platform controlled with Beaglebone Black part 2: