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Input integer number


IntInput is a Turbo Vision module that provides a custom input field for integer values with specified ranges. It extends the standard input line component to validate and handle integer input, ensuring the values fall within defined intervals.



  • Interval: An enumerated type representing the range intervals:
    • a_b: [min, max]
    • a_inf: [min, ∞)
    • inf_b: (-∞, max]
    • inf_inf: (-∞, ∞)

TInputInt Object

  • Fields:

    • min: The minimum value of the range.
    • max: The maximum value of the range.
    • int: The type of interval.
  • Constructor:

    • Init(R: TRect; i: integer; mina, maxa: longint): Initializes the input line with specified rectangle R, max length i, minimum value mina, and maximum value maxa.
  • Methods:

    • DataSize: word: Returns the size of the data.
    • GetData(var Rec): Retrieves the integer data from the input field.
    • SetData(var Rec): Sets the input field with the provided integer data.
    • Valid(com: word): boolean: Validates the input data against the defined range.

Example Application: IntegerInput

The IntegerInput program demonstrates the usage of the TInputInt object. It presents a dialog to the user for entering an integer within the specified range of -100 to 100.

TMyApp Object

  • Methods:
    • Run: Executes the main functionality by showing the integer input dialog.
    • HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent): Handles application events, triggering the integer input dialog on a new command.
    • ShowDateDialog: Displays the dialog for entering an integer.

Main Program

  • Initializes and runs an instance of TMyApp, showing the dialog for integer input and validating the input against the specified range.


  1. Integration:

    • Include IntInput in your uses clause.
    • Create an instance of TInputInt and initialize it with the desired range.
    • Use GetData and SetData to interact with the input value.
    • Ensure Valid is called to validate the input.
  2. Example:

    • The provided example in IntegerInput shows a dialog for inputting an integer within the range of -100 to 100.

Error Handling

  • Displays error messages for invalid inputs, such as non-integer values or values outside the specified range, using message boxes.


  • The module depends on standard Pascal units such as Objects, Views, Dialogs, and MsgBox.


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