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This is a side project I've been working on since early March 2024, as a way to apply the knowledge I've been gaining in game development. Space Raiders is a 2D arcade-y spaceship shooter game with a vampire survivors style upgrade system.


It is written in Godot Engine using GDScript, and uses several JSON files as a way of managing large amounts of data, such as game settings, player/enemy/projectile design, and the upgrade system. As it is in version 1.0.0, the game is playable, but is minimal and limited in gameplay variety. Still, Space Raiders v1.0.0 consists of all the necessary game components:

  • Player controls
  • Combat mechanics
  • Enemy design
  • Scoring and EXP
  • Upgrade system
  • Music
  • HUD and menu system In the future, I plan to expand on each of these to provide diverse and engaging gameplay, such as additional enemies, combat options, level game modes, and more. In the release of 1.0.0, I've exported the project for x86_64 architecture on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


With Space Raiders, I've applied several game development skills that I'm actively learning, and have been able to practice the following:

  • Using Godot Engine, specifically the 2D workspace.
    • Using GDScript for source code (I didn't feel that C# would be necessary, and I didn't want to deal with compilation times)
    • Using Godot's node and signal system.
    • Using JSON files as a way to store dictionaries outside of the game's code, and load them at runtime.
    • Using animations for explosion effects, UI themes for better UX, and a media player autoload system for playing music and sound effects.
    • Using Godot's shader language to improve UI effects.
  • Creating 2D pixel art PNGs. The majority of assets are CC0 from the internet, but some of the images were made by me using Libresprite. In the future, I plan to replace many of the other assets with more of my own custom made assets. This includes PNGs as well as SFX and music files.

Project Vision

I plan to continue Space Raiders development and publish new releases, where I will expand on the game's components and replace the CC0 assets with my own, as mentioned prior. However, I initially set out to create a project where I can apply my newfound skills, and I have achieved that. So, I will direct my focus back on learning more in the field of game development and computer science, and away from Space Raiders. Still, I plan on regularly working to improve the game.