This repo contains the source code for
ShareChess is a free, open source website that allows you to share chess games as self-contained replay links (the whole game is stored in the url without the need for a database), PNG images, or GIF / MP4 / WebM animations.
The website provides a high variety of chessboard and piece designs to serve as an open alternative for commercial chess GIF makers.
Latest build is available on and is ready to deploy on any hosting service (if you want to self-host the project).
For development:
- fork this repo and clone the fork to your local environment,
- go to the project's directory and run
npm i
(requires Node 16 LTS or higher, available here), - run
npm start
- it will start the development server, - start coding ;)
Preview of the current dev version is available here:
The project is under open GNU GPL V3.0 license.
Some of the assets are under separate licenses. Full list of credits, copyrights and licenses is located here: CREDITS.