Django Ledger is a powerful financial management system built on the Django Web Framework. It offers a simplified API for handling complex accounting tasks in financially driven applications.
- High-level API
- Double entry accounting
- Hierarchical Chart of Accounts
- Financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow)
- Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Bills, and Invoices
- Financial ratio calculations
- Multi-tenancy support
- Ledgers, Journal Entries & Transactions
- OFX & QFX file import
- Closing Entries
- Inventory management
- Unit of Measures
- Bank account information
- Django Admin integration
- Built-in Entity Management UI
We're looking for contributors with:
- Python and Django programming skills
- Finance and accounting expertise
- Interest in developing a robust accounting engine API
If you have relevant experience, especially in accounting, we welcome your pull requests or direct contact.
Django Ledger is a Django application. If you haven't, you need working knowledge of Django and a working Django project before you can use Django Ledger. A good place to start is here.
Make sure you refer to the django version you are using.
The easiest way to start is to use the zero-config Django Ledger starter template. See details here. Otherwise, you may create your project from scratch.
To create a new Django Ledger project:
Make sure you have the latest version of python here (recommended).
Install Django:
pip install django
- Install Python Pipenv (python package manager):
pip install pipenv
- Go to your desired development folder and create a new django project:
django-admin startproject django_ledger_project && cd django_ledger_project
- Install Django on you virtual environment.
pipenv install django
- Install Django Ledger
pipenv install "django-ledger[graphql,pdf]"
Alternatively, you can use:
pipenv install django-ledger\[graphql,pdf\]
- Activate your new virtual environment:
pipenv shell
- Add django_ledger to INSTALLED_APPS in you new Django Project.
- Perform database migrations:
python migrate
- Add Django SuperUser and follow the prompts.
python createsuperuser
- Add URLs to your project's
from django.urls import include, path
urlpatterns = [
path('ledger/', include('django_ledger.urls', namespace='django_ledger')),
- Run your project:
python runserver
- Navigate to Django Ledger root view assigned in your project urlpatterns setting ( typically if you followed this installation guide).
- Use your superuser credentials to login.
Django Ledger comes with a basic development environment already configured under dev_env/ folder not to be used for production environments. If you want to contribute to the project perform the following steps:
- Navigate to your projects directory.
- Clone the repo from github and CD into project.
git clone && cd DP_financial-management.system
- Install PipEnv, if not already installed:
pip install -U pipenv
- Create virtual environment.
pipenv install
If using a specific version of Python you may specify the path.
pipenv install --python PATH_TO_INTERPRETER
- Activate environment.
pipenv shell
- Apply migrations.
python migrate
- Create a Development Django user.
python createsuperuser
- Run development server.
python runserver
Navigate to your projects directory.
Give executable permissions to
sudo chmod +x
Add host '' into ALLOWED_HOSTS in
Build the image and run the container.
docker compose up --build
- Add Django Superuser by running command in seprate terminal
docker ps
Select container id of running container and execute following command
docker exec -it containerId /bin/sh
python createsuperuser
- Navigate to on browser.
After setting up your development environment you may run tests.
python test django_ledger