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Christian Lück edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 4 revisions


The plugin de.wwu.scdh.teilsp.extensions.LabelledEntriesFromXMLByPrefixDef is used to parse XML (local) sources given in <prefixDef>.

Note: Have a look de.wwu.scdh.teilsp.extensions.LabelledEntriesXSLTWithContext, which provides a more powerful implementation that evaluates the XML base property.

This plugin is not intended for querying GND, Wikidata, or other global norm data repositories. These would require their own plugins.

Development State

  • works well with local files
  • URL lookup is done with the URI resolver used by oXygen, i.e. it evaluates all currently configured XML catalogs. So redirection is possible.
  • does not yet evaluate @xml:base when there's a relative path given in the <prefixDef>. Read on this topic in TEI-L. Resulting recommendation.
  • should evaluate the regular expressions given in the arguments somehow
  • should take arguments for authenticating when accessing remote documents

Note: Splitting of parts of fragment identifiers over the URI like practised here is not supported by the current plugin. IMHO URIs should not contain whitespace.



This argument binds the namespace prefixes in the other arguments' XPath expressions to namespace names. The form is prefix:namespace-name[ prefix:namespace-name]*, i.e. space-separated pairs of a colon-separated prefix and namespace name.


<argument name="namespaces">t: xml:</argument>


This argument is an XPath. It is evaluated on the currently edited document and selects the relevant <prefixDef> node. From from this node, the URI prefix is taken from the @ident attribute and the.


<argument name="prefixDef">//t:teiHeader//t:prefixDef[matches(@ident, '(psn|prs|pers)')]</argument>


The XPath in the prefixDefRef argument is evaluated on the result set of returned by the XPath in prefixDef, i.e. on the <prefixDef> node. It's string result represents the relative or absolute URL of the source for the person list.


<argument name="prefixDefRef">tokenize(@replacementPattern, '#')[1]</argument>

This splits the string in the @replacementPattern attribute's value on the character # and uses the first split.

Theoretically, you can also provide a constant string, to link a document, the URL of which does not appear the the currently edited document. E.g.

<argument name="prefixDefRef">''</argument>


The arguments selection, key, and label are XPath expressions that are evaluated on the referenced document.

selection is the XPath to the elements, that encode the person. Normally, this path would return a sequence of nodes, each representing person information. key and label are evaluated on each of the nodes of the sequence.


<argument name="selection">//t:text/descendant::t:person[@xml:id]</argument>

This selects all <person> node arbitrary deeply nested in the main part (text) of the document, which is TEI.


This argument selects the identifier of a node found by selection. The key is the really used thing in a persName/@ref etc., i.e. the thing that will be in the URI after the prefix.


<argument name="key">@xml:id</argument>

This simply gets the xml ID of the <person> node.


This XPath makes a readable label associated with the key.


<argument name="label">normalize-space(concat(t:persName, ', *', t:birth))</argument>

This selects the persons name given in person/persName, then adds his or her date of birth, if present.

Example configuration

                        <condition domain="context">self::*:persName and //*:teiHeader//*:prefixDef[matches(@ident, '^(psn|prs|pers|person)')]</condition>
                        <condition domain="priority">10</condition>
                        <condition domain="nodeType">attributeValue</condition>
                        <condition domain="nodeName">ref</condition>
                        <argument name="namespaces">t: xml:</argument>
                        <argument name="selection">//t:text/descendant::t:person[@xml:id]</argument>
                        <argument name="key">@xml:id</argument>
                        <argument name="label">normalize-space(concat(t:persName, ', *', t:birth))</argument>
                        <argument name="prefixDef">//t:teiHeader//t:prefixDef[matches(@ident, '(psn|prs|pers)')]</argument>
                        <argument name="prefixDefRef">tokenize(@replacementPattern, '#')[1]</argument>