code for reproducing MFFV experiments
Step1: Read the paper, and the structure of the code (above), understand the functions of each script.
In the following commands, the folder bob.paper.tifs.mffv is your local folder where you have cloned this repository.
- activate your conda bob environment.
- The dataset path is: /idiap/resource/database/MFFV-N/data
Use the following commands for feature extraction
cd bob.paper.tifs.mffv/FE
python -db /path/of/the/MFFV/dataset/ -fe /path/of/the/feature/you/want/to/save/
'' can also be run on the SGE-grid. If using grid, it should be distributed over 5760 jobs.
Use the following commands to run the whole FVIA experiments (Table VII-X). (When the first command finishes you can run the next command.)
cd bob.paper.tifs.mffv/FVIA
python -db /path/of/the/MFFV/dataset/ -fe /path/of/the/feature/you/had/saved/ -pt /path/of/the/protocols(PT folder)/ -rs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/want/to/save/
once the above experiment finish, conduct the score-level fusion experiment:
python -rs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/have/saved/ -fs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/want/to/save/ # recommendation: set these two paths to be the same
'' can also be run on the SGE-grid. If using grid, it should be distributed over 81 jobs.
- cd to path: /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/have/save/, then use the following commands for each result-file (example: 'dev_balance_c1_m6_th120.csv') to get the final results/metrics
bob bio metrics -d 2 -c min-hter dev_balance_c1_m6_th120.csv
Use the following commands to run the whole FVAB experiments (Table XI). (When the first command finishes you can run the next command.)
cd bob.paper.tifs.mffv/FVAB
python -db -db /path/of/the/MFFV/dataset/ -fe /path/of/the/feature/you/had/saved/ -pt /path/of/the/protocols(PT folder)/ -rs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/want/to/save/
once the above experiment finish, conduct the score-level fusion experiment:
python -rs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/have/saved/ -fs /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/want/to/save/ # recommendation: set these two paths to be the same
- cd to path: /path/of/the/intermediate-results/you/have/saved/, then use the following commands for each result-file (example: dev_xxx.csv, and test_xxx.csv ) to get the final results/metrics
bob bio metric -e -d 2 -c eer dev_xxx.csv test_xxx.csv
bob bio metric -e -d 2 -c min-hter dev_xxx.csv test_xxx.csv
bob bio metric -e -d 2 -c far -f 0.01 dev_xxx.csv test_xxx.csv
bob bio metric -e -d 2 -c far -f 0.001 dev_xxx.csv test_xxx.csv
To get the MFFV-N dataset, please sign a license agreement.
For further questions/discussions/cooperations, contact Junduan Huang, Email: