- app
- src
- main/java/com/ugent/pidgeon
- auth (Authentication related logic)
- config (Configuration settings and beans)
- controllers (Web controllers for handling requests)
- model (models for testing submissions)
- json (request/response bodies)
- postgre (Database models and repositories)
- util (Utility classes and helpers)
- resources (Configuration files, property files etc.)
- test/java/com/ugent/pidgeon (Unit and integration tests)
- main/java/com/ugent/pidgeon
- src
- database (Database schemas and scripts)
- db (Database related scripts)
- web-bff (Express webserver that manages user authentication with cookie sessions)
- app
- public (Static files like images, fonts, and
) - src
- @types (TypeScript type definitions)
- assets (Static assets like images and logos used in the app)
- components (Reusable UI components)
- common (Commonly used components across the application)
- forms (Form components, including project form tabs)
- layout (Components related to layout such as navbars and sidebars)
- hooks (Custom React hooks)
- i18n (Internationalization setup, including language files)
- pages (Component structure for each page)
- providers (Context providers for state management)
- router (Routing and path management)
- theme (Styling themes and fonts)
- util (Utility functions and helpers such as our
- public (Static files like images, fonts, and