- Installfest
- Command line
- HTML and CSS review
- Git and Github
- Project: Personal website
- Chrome Developer tools
- Bootstrap
- HTML Forms (taught right before jQuery AJAX)
- GitHub Collaboration (taught before Project 1)
- Control flow
- JavaScript data types
- JavaScript functions
- jQuery DOM Manipulation
- jQuery DOM events & event handling
- Project: Tic Tac Toe
- JS Objects
- Callbacks and iterator methods
- jQuery AJAX
- Lab: Geoquakes
- Object Oriented JavaScript
- Project: Project 0, the racing game
- Express intro
- Express Routes and Params
- Lab: ToDo lab
- MongoDB and Mongoose
- Mongoose Associations
- Lab: Book app (in 3 sprints)
- Project: Personal API
- Lab: Tunely (a full stack project walkthrough in 6 spints)
- Auth with Passport
- Project: Project 1, a CRUD app
- ES6
- Classes (not GA generated material)
- Inheritance (not GA generated material)
- React Components
- React State and Props
- React Router (materials don't yet exist)
- Lab: React Todo (in 5 sprints)
- AJAX and React (materials don't yet exist)
- Handling events in React (materials don't yet exist)
- Lab: React Giphy and solutions
- Component Life Cycle
- Lab: Full stack React: MERN CRUD Lab
- Project: Project Wayfarer
- React Auth with Passport
- Intro to Ruby
- Ruby Methods
- Lab: Ruby Method Drills
- Idiomatic Ruby
- Object Oriented Ruby
- Lab: Object Oriented Ruby Drills
- Lab: Go Fish
- Rspec
- Rails Intro
- Rails views and helpers
- Active Record
- Migrations
- Lab: Bog app
- Associations
- Validations and Error handling
- Cookies and Sessions
- Rails Auth
- Lab: Library app
- Asset Pipeline
- Rspec in Rails
- Lab: Rails Rspec Lab
- Project: Ruby gem lightning talks
- Project: Project 2 a Rails CRUD app
- React on Rails
- MEN stack Review
- (MEAN stack Review)
- Student Lightning talks (any technology, not just gems)