Releases: SUSE/qe-sap-deployment
Releases · SUSE/qe-sap-deployment
More stable reboot and better logs
What's Changed
- Change aws stonith task order by @BillAnastasiadis in #235
- Qesap e2e verbosity tests by @mpagot in #236
- Remove double Ansible logs by @mpagot in #237
- Split qesap e2e tests in smaller tests by @mpagot in #238
- Add new test strategy for by @mpagot in #239
- Export ansible output to a file by @hadeskun in #234
- Enable flake8 on the UT code by @mpagot in #241
- Remove the duplicated requirements-dev.txt by @mpagot in #242
- Remove terraform duplicated logs by @mpagot in #243
- Extend the test coverage for the ansible log file feature by @mpagot in #240
- Add playbook for ptf installation by @BillAnastasiadis in #246
- Fix ansible timed out for last boot time check 600 by @lilyeyes in #244
- Fix sporadic reboot timeout in qe-sap-deployment by @lilyeyes in #249
- Add playbook for openqa pt install by @BillAnastasiadis in #247
- Fix flake8 version requirement by @mpagot in #251
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.27.0
Python anti collider task
What's Changed
- Improve CI/CD filtering by @mpagot in #227
- Change default Ansible verbosity when is not verbose by @hadeskun in #226
- Add e2e test for the glue script by @mpagot in #228
- Gluescript check for Ansible binary by @mpagot in #229
- Update some of the tools used during code validation by @mpagot in #230
- Add --junit argument by @mpagot in #231
- Avoid python Azure package collision in SLES15 by @mpagot in #232
Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.26.0
Native AWS fencing and other Terraform binary
What's Changed
- Change timeout handling by @BillAnastasiadis in #221
- Add a config.yaml terraform setting to force bin by @mpagot in #223
- Enable aws native fencing by @BillAnastasiadis in #224
Full Changelog: v0.24.0...v0.25.0
Ansible sound better
What's Changed
- Restore filename azure-cluster-hana.yaml by @mpagot in #214
- Split long ansible.builtin.command commands by @mpagot in #215
- Remove extra quote in crm command by @mpagot in #217
- Remove private_key GCP Terraform variable by @mpagot in #218
- Add additional assert task in configure_hsr by @BillAnastasiadis in #219
- Remove duplicate ansible output by @mpagot in #220
- Move Maintenance off in sap-hana-cluster by @mpagot in #216
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.0
To cluster right
What's Changed
- Playbook to add IBS mirror by @mpagot in #212
- Define some of the cluster resource names by @mpagot in #211
- Add changes to fix qesap deployment by @BillAnastasiadis in #213
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.23.0
New tools
What's Changed
- Refactor sbd prep by @a-kpappas in #205
- Add validation for Python 3.11 by @mpagot in #207
- Validate Terraform 1.5.7 and add tool validation pipeline by @mpagot in #208
- Versioning and upgrade all terraform lock by @mpagot in #209
- Remove task that copy by @mpagot in #210
Full Changelog: v0.21.0...v0.22.0
Better Terraform and new registration mode
What's Changed
- Terraform pass more data to Ansible for AWS native fencing by @mpagot in #200
- Fix fencing after crash by @lpalovsky in #201
- Change name in azure resources to avoid clash by @BillAnastasiadis in #204
- Enable use_suseconnect argument for registration.yaml by @BillAnastasiadis in #203
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0
Bug fix release removing cruft
What's Changed
- Remove hardcoded HANA installer parameters by @mpagot in #195
- Remove dbus-1-python installation from 15sp3 iscsi by @mpagot in #199
Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.20.0
allow-unhealthy-nodes and go to Galaxy
What's Changed
- Move Ansible modules dependency to Galaxy by @mpagot in #189
- Add Ansible yamllint by @mpagot in #192
- Add ansible playbook syntax check by @mpagot in #193
- Sync TOC of each Terraform readme by @mpagot in #194
- Move prefix and gcp_cluster_ip by @mpagot in #196
- Set "allow-unhealthy-nodes=true" for HA resource by @lilyeyes in #197
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0
Ansible adjusting
What's Changed
- change the automated register in the hana cluster for aws by @hadeskun in #187
- Fix fully-patch-system not do reboot after patch by @lilyeyes in #191
- Task no longer installing particular version of gcc by @a-kpappas in #190
New Contributors
- @hadeskun made their first contribution in #187
- @a-kpappas made their first contribution in #190
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0