Releases: SUSE/qe-sap-deployment
Releases · SUSE/qe-sap-deployment
azurerm_linux join and use_sbd is crossing
Azure Terraform changes the VM creation mechanism
use_sbd needed by Ansible is properly configurable from the external and now directly provided by Terraform through the inventory.yaml
What's Changed
- Replace azurerm vm with azurerm_linux by @BillAnastasiadis in #176
- Remove more Salt provisioning code by @mpagot in #179
- Pass use_sbd from Terraform to Ansible by @mpagot in #181
- Improve inventory template variables names by @mpagot in #182
- Enable SPN and MSI based native fencing for azure by @lpalovsky in #180
- Add environment variable driven failure trigger by @mpagot in #184
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
New fully patch playbook
Add an Ansible playbook to fully patch the system
Add more explicit failure in case of registration erro ( workaround for #bsc1215333)
What's Changed
- Add fully patch system ansible playbook module by @lilyeyes in #175
- Change azurerm version to latest by @BillAnastasiadis in #177
- Revert "Change azurerm version to latest (#177)" by @BillAnastasiadis in #178
- WIP: Fix failing registration task by @BillAnastasiadis in #174
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
AWS support deprecated images
Ansible Roles
What's Changed
- Change regext to detect move IP completed by @mpagot in #160
- Fix resource ip not starting by @BillAnastasiadis in #161
- WIP: Validate cluster_ip var in ansible by @BillAnastasiadis in #162
- Remove aws variable for private_key by @mpagot in #163
- Add registration role and files by @BillAnastasiadis in #164
- Change the default Machine type for the iscsi on AWS by @mpagot in #165
- Workaround to PyYaml Cython issue by @mpagot in #167
- Update to the latest awscli to solve PyYAML by @mpagot in #169
- Manage roles path from the conf.yaml by @mpagot in #170
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0
Ansible new registration method
- Now we can detect whether an image is registered or not, even in PAYG images
What's Changed
- Change way to detect unregistered nodes by @BillAnastasiadis in #159
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0
Relaxed pakages
What's Changed
- Convert tfvarf_template as config.yaml setting by @mpagot in #152
- Make reboot timeout configurable by @rjagu1 in #153
- Fix for Azure is detecting aws ecxx in QESAP deployment ansible along with the Azure. by @rjagu1 in #154
- Check hana_media not to be full ulr by @mpagot in #155
- Add workspace destroy to terraform destroy by @mpagot in #156
- Relax gcc package version requirements by @mpagot in #158
- Remove not used AWS terraform variables by @mpagot in #157
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0
Aws r4
Install latest sapconf
Passwordless internal ssh
Share more ssh keys between cluster nodes
What's Changed
- Exchange cloudadmin ssh keys by @mpagot in #143
- Add support for config.yaml with no Ansible by @mpagot in #142
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
iscsi package
Most important change is about iscsi package installation iscsiuio
and open-iscsi
Other significant improvements are also in the
part to generate .tfvasr
What's Changed
- Remove more bastion code from GCP by @mpagot in #136
- Allow to parse lines with more than one space in tfvars templates by @alvarocarvajald in #138
- Install iscsi package by @mpagot in #137
- Unit test for tfvars template fix by @mpagot in #139
- qesap terraform tfvars template strings by @mpagot in #140
- Improve main README about the conf.yaml by @mpagot in #141
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0