MVC pattern in core.
All request go thru Router class and routes to specified Controller to internal action. For ex:
This request calls method "ActionName" from controller "ControllerName"
Empty action interprets as "index" action
Calls method "index" from controller "Admin".
For now framework works only with integrated Sqlite DB. It's temporary.
Put Model class into "model" folder and It's loads automatically.
Create queries by using model in controller:
await'SELECT * FROM table');
Also you can use external databases.
npm install --save favorito
const {FavoritoApp} = require('favorito');
(async () => {
//First argument - config object
// false - try load config from config.js
// string - path to config file
const App = new FavoritoApp(false, 'Favorito Demo App');
//Init app
await App.init();
//Start app
await App.start();
Config example:
module.exports = {
//HTTP binding port
bindPort: 3001,
//Base URL for current application
"appUrl": "https://favorito",
//Main controller for / path
indexController: 'App',
//Databases list (sqlite3 only for now)
databases: [
{type: 'sqlite', name: 'default', config: {path: 'database.db'}}
//Configured Email transports
"emailTransports": {
"default": {
"host": "STMP.COM",
"port": 465,
"secure": true,
"auth": {
"user": "SMTP-USER",
"from": "Favorito Framework <>",
"debug": true //Log all Emails
//Cryptography secret
"secret": "5f0239f8f8ad284983c11ee815874562",
//Cryptography salt (for passwords, etc.)
"salt": "19d62fc823eb117f148b61110e08fba7a",
Complete example see in /demo.