Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate developer focused on creating efficient and robust software solutions and scalable infrastructure.
- Name: André Sacilotto Santos (Saccilotto)
- Education: Undergraduate student in Software Engineering at PUCRS
- Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Contact:
Some of the projects and initiatives I've participated in:
- AGES-III-CP-Planta-Infra: Infrastructure project where I participated as Software Architect.
- runners_setup: Files for deploying GitHub Runners on Google Cloud Platform using Terraform and Ansible.
- terraform-learning: Project for deploying storage solutions via infrastructure-as-code.
- ppi_exploration: Development and parallelization of the Mandelbrot set calculation using C++ and various libraries (C++Threads, oneTBB, Fastflow, among others).
- mpi-training: Exercises and transformation of applications using MPI with OpenMPI.
- SiSop: Materials and code from my Operating Systems classes at PUCRS.