Make Chess Moves between Client and Host
Authored by Sagarbir Bandesha
"/move " ---------------- ex. "/move e2e4": Moves a piece to its destination if it is a valid rule of chess.
"/chessboard" ------------------------------------------ : Displays the current state of the chessboard for the requested player.
"/save -------------------------------------- ex. "/save Maria": Saves the current state of the game under the username. Server & client can call.
"/load -------------------------------- ex. "/load Maria 1": Loads a saved game under the username provided and index saved from user
"/import ----------------------------------------- ex. "/import 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w": Imports a gamestate given a chess FEN string.
"/forfeit" --------------------------------------------- : Forfeits the game and cuts connection between host & client. FEN is stored in "fen.txt"
- Invalid moves will require a reprompt.
- Capture limit is 16 before game terminates.
- Checks, Checkmates, & King captures should be addressed by the player for the game. These rules are not enforced by ChessNet.
- Run .\Server.exe & .\Client.exe on windows bash terminals. Best practice to run both commands on same device so ports can be accessed easily.
- Have fun! Make sure to enjoy & post your games online :)