libAcoustics - library for far-field noise computation. At current time contains 3 kind of far-field predictions:
Curle analogy
Ffowcs Williams Hawkings analogy
CFD-BEM coupling
The library is available for next OpenFOAM versions:
OpenFOAM 3.0, 4.1 versions are stored in the master branch
OpenFOAM+ v.1812 is in the digitef-dev-1812 branch of the repository
OpenFOAM+ v.1912 is in the digitef-dev-1912 branch of the repository
When using this library in your research, please cite next articles:
Epikhin, A., Evdokimov, I., Kraposhin, M., Kalugin, M., Strijhak, S. Development of a Dynamic Library for Computational Aeroacoustics Applications Using the OpenFOAM Open Source Package // Procedia Computer ScienceVolume 66, 2015, Pages 150-157 , DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.11.018