月照纱窗生成器 / Moonlight Window (puzzle) image generater
- 月照纱窗生成器 / Moonlight window generator: https://ph.sapium.site/#tools
- 月照纱窗字典 / Most common moonlight windows: https://www.sapium.site/open-window/
- 相关:并黑交白生成器 / Char-union generator: https://ph.sapium.site/#tools
pip install Pillow
pip install numpy
我也不太懂,建议自学基础flask、html等 / I dont know, dont ask me, just learn flask and html and be a master
cd moonlight-window
python wsgi.py
- 欢迎补充介绍或链接,比如鱼左老师的推文
Introduction: What is Moonlight Window?
- Relevant puzzle introductions and links are warmly welcomed.
- 开发难免会有疏漏。欢迎捉虫!我的联系方式:sapium59@gmail.com
Testing: Is that correct?
- Development comes with bug. I would appreciate if you report any unexpected behavior to me: sapium59@gmail.com