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Sarge-117 committed Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 5628ef4 commit 824f87e
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 20 deletions.
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions soh/soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/hint_list.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK12] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I'm stoned. Get it?", /*french*/ "Allez, roche, papier, ciseau...&Roche.",
Text{ "They say you're a babecoin of thy boobenshower.", /*french*/ "Allez, roche, papier, ciseau...&Roche.",
/*spanish*/ "Me he quedado de piedra. ¿Lo pillas?" },

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1733,19 +1733,19 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK29] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "When all else fails, use Fire.", /*french*/ "Quand rien ne marche, utilise le feu.",
Text{ "They say gay sex with sideways cum tendencies.", /*french*/ "Quand rien ne marche, utilise le feu.",
/*spanish*/ "Cuando nada funcione, usa el fuego." },

hintTable[JUNK30] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Here's a hint, @. Don't be bad.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, la #Triforce# n'est pas dans le jeu... Duh!",
Text{ "They say gay sex with sideways cum tendencies.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, la #Triforce# n'est pas dans le jeu... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Aquí tienes una pista, @: deja de ser manco." },

hintTable[JUNK31] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Game Over. Return of Ganon.", /*french*/ "Partie terminée. RETour de Ganon.",
Text{ "They say gay sex with sideways cum tendencies.", /*french*/ "Partie terminée. RETour de Ganon.",
/*spanish*/ "Fin de la partida. El regreso de Ganon." },

Expand All @@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK33] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Can't find an item? Scan an Amiibo.", /*french*/ "Tu cherches de quoi? Utilise un Amiibo!",
Text{ "They say TTS Megan is actually SnelmsDeep.", /*french*/ "Tu cherches de quoi? Utilise un Amiibo!",
/*spanish*/ "¿No encuentras algo? Escanea un amiibo." },

Expand All @@ -1771,14 +1771,14 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK35] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "BRRING BRRING This is Ulrira. Wrong number?",
Text{ "They say TTS Megan is actually SnelmsDeep.",
/*french*/ "DRING DRING!! Pépé le Ramollo à l'appareil... Quoi? Faux numéro?",
/*spanish*/ "¡Ring! ¡Ring! Al habla Ulrira. ¿Me he equivocado de número?" },

hintTable[JUNK36] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah!", /*french*/ "Tingle! Tingle! Kooloolin... Pah!",
Text{ "They say TTS Megan is actually SnelmsDeep.", /*french*/ "Tingle! Tingle! Kooloolin... Pah!",
/*spanish*/ "Tingle, Tingle, Kurulín... ¡PA!" },

Expand All @@ -1803,21 +1803,21 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK40] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Can you move me? I don't get great service here.",
Text{ "They say your mudda's a man an ting bai.",
/*french*/ "Peux-tu me déplacer? J'ai pas une bonne réception ici.",
/*spanish*/ "¿Puedes llevarme a otro lado? Aquí nadie me presta atención." },

hintTable[JUNK41] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say if you use Strength on the truck, you can find Mew.",
Text{ "They say your mother is my daddy and my father's fuckin' mom.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, #Mew# se trouve dessous le camion... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes hallar un Mew usando Fuerza contra el camión de Ciudad Carmín." },

hintTable[JUNK42] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "I'm a helpful hint Gossip Stone!^See, I'm helping.",
Text{ "They say your mother is my daddy and my father's fuckin' mom.",
/*french*/ "Salut! Je suis une pierre de bons conseils!^Tiens, tu vois? J'aide bien, hein?",
/*spanish*/ "Soy una Piedra Sheikah muy útil.^¡Mira cómo te ayudo!" },
Expand All @@ -1833,34 +1833,34 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK44] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say all toasters toast toast.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, les grille-pains grillent du pain.",
Text{ "They say your mother is my daddy and my father's fuckin' mom.", /*french*/ "Selon moi, les grille-pains grillent du pain.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, todas las tostadoras tostan tostadas tostadas." },

hintTable[JUNK45] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "You thought it would be a useful hint, but it was me, junk hint!",
Text{ "They say that SnelmsDeep is sometimes known as Sounds Deep.",
/*french*/ "Tu t'attendais à un bon indice... Mais c'était moi, un mauvais indice!", /*spanish*/
"Je... Creeías que iba a ser una piedra de utilidad, ¡pero no, era yo, la piedra de la agonía!" },

hintTable[JUNK46] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that quest guidance can be found at a talking rock.",
Text{ "They say that SnelmsDeep is sometimes known as Sounds Deep.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, des #indices# se trouvent auprès d'une pierre parlante... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes consultarle ayuda a rocas parlanchinas." },

hintTable[JUNK47] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that the final item you're looking for can be found somewhere in Hyrule.",
Text{ "They say you're a MUDDACUNT.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, le #dernier objet# se trouve quelque part dans Hyrule... Duh!",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, el último objeto que te falte puede estar en cualquier rincón de Hyrule." },

hintTable[JUNK48] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.",
Text{ "They say that SnelmsDeep is sometimes known as Sounds Deep.",
/*french*/ "Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.^Mwip.",
/*spanish*/ "Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep.^Mweep." },
Expand All @@ -1880,14 +1880,14 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[JUNK51] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Morpha is easily trapped in a corner.",
Text{ "They say you're a MUDDACUNT.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Morpha est facilement coincé.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, puedes atrapar a Morpha con facilidad en una esquina." },

hintTable[JUNK52] = HintText::Junk({
// obscure text
Text{ "They say that Bongo Bongo really hates the cold.",
Text{ "They say you're a MUDDACUNT.",
/*french*/ "Selon moi, Bongo Bongo a facilement froid aux doigts.",
/*spanish*/ "Según dicen, Bongo Bongo odia a muerte el frío." },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[GANON_LINE05] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Why did I leave my trident back in the desert?",
Text{ "Cheese, why the fuck do you sing&the American national anthem on&your stream so much?^You aren't even from there!&You're a Trini twink living in&Spain, for fuck's sake!",
/*french*/ "Sale bêtise... Et j'ai oublié mon trident dans le désert!",
/*spanish*/ "Santa Hylia... ¿Por qué me habré dejado el tridente en el desierto?" },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3052,7 +3052,7 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[GANON_LINE08] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "God damn it, cheese. I'm sick&of your shit. You're cringe, gay,&stupid, and weird! I won't&stand for it anymore! Fight me!",
"Gamin, ton destin achève,&sous mon sort tu périras!&Cette partie ne fut pas brève,&et cette mort, tu "
Expand All @@ -3063,7 +3063,7 @@ void HintTable_Init() {

hintTable[GANON_LINE09] = HintText::GanonLine({
// obscure text
Text{ "Person, woman, man, camera, TV.",
Text{ "If you don't get the fuck out of&here right now I'm calling the&cops. I swear to Bob's Burgers!",
/*french*/ "Sale petit garnement,&tu fais erreur!&C'est maintenant que marque&ta dernière heure!",
/*spanish*/ "¿No osarás a mí enfrentarte?&Rimas aparte,&¡voy a matarte!" },
Expand Down

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