Rock Raiders Web is an experiment aimed at recreating Rock Raiders PC game (1999) using browser based technologies.
- When building is started while material is carried, this material is not dropped to be used on building
- Forbidding collection of ores or crystals stops building projects too
- Allow raider in alarm mode to be moved by player
- Implement clickOnly... methods for tutorials and disable all non-flashing UI elements in tutorial mode
- Use same team for all missions and add names to raiders
- Auto switch from portrait to landscape mode in fullscreen
- Add option to read/write savegames from URL
- Fix all remaining bugs
- Add rotation speed to entities and play turnLeft, turnRight animations
- Advisor not shown in tutorials near icon panel
- Orange smoke column above lava tiles missing
- Add tiny rockies running around after crumbling
- Raider scene entity position/rotation not correct when thrown by rocky
- Two buttons in priority list can be hovered/pressed/released at the same time
- Roof mesh is not added as ceiling to scene in FPV and shoulder view
- Use pro-meshes to render high-detail walls in first person and shoulder view
- Bats don't appear in flocks
- Camera frustum not shown as wireframe on radar map panel
- Surface object pointer in tutorials removes surface highlight color as in original
- Move three.js rendering to separate worker (blocked until worker support for audio is solved, so AudioContext does not need window anymore)
To start development environment, please take the following steps:
git clone
cd rock-raiders-web
npm install
npm run dev
- Rock Raiders Remake - another web based 2D clone
- - web based WAD file handling
- RRU - Game and mods community
- Reddit Community - Subreddit
- three.js - Web based 3D Engine
- IDB-Keyval - Indexed cache handling helper
- zip.js - JavaScript library to zip and unzip files
- YouTube walkthrough - Nice walkthrough with many details
This project is meant to be work of passion without any commercial intentions.
Still want to invite me for coffee? This way please