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Merge pull request #118 from ErikQQY/qqy/initial_fode
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Initial improvement for FODE solvers
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ErikQQY authored Oct 9, 2024
2 parents 9a7b5d4 + 74382af commit 8dd594d
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Showing 11 changed files with 253 additions and 523 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
name = "FractionalDiffEq"
uuid = "c7492dd8-6170-483b-af64-cefb6c377d9a"
authors = ["Qingyu Qu <>"]
version = "0.4.0"
version = "0.5.0"

ConcreteStructs = "2569d6c7-a4a2-43d3-a901-331e8e4be471"
DiffEqBase = "2b5f629d-d688-5b77-993f-72d75c75574e"
FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
FastClosures = "9aa1b823-49e4-5ca5-8b0f-3971ec8bab6a"
ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
HypergeometricFunctions = "34004b35-14d8-5ef3-9330-4cdb6864b03a"
InvertedIndices = "41ab1584-1d38-5bbf-9106-f11c6c58b48f"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Polynomials = "f27b6e38-b328-58d1-80ce-0feddd5e7a45"
RecipesBase = "3cdcf5f2-1ef4-517c-9805-6587b60abb01"
RecursiveArrayTools = "731186ca-8d62-57ce-b412-fbd966d074cd"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
SciMLBase = "0bca4576-84f4-4d90-8ffe-ffa030f20462"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Expand All @@ -23,12 +25,14 @@ ToeplitzMatrices = "c751599d-da0a-543b-9d20-d0a503d91d24"
ConcreteStructs = "0.2.2"
DiffEqBase = "6.156"
FastClosures = "0.3.2"
FFTW = "1.8.0"
ForwardDiff = "0.10.36"
HypergeometricFunctions = "0.3.23"
InvertedIndices = "1.3"
Polynomials = "3, 4"
RecipesBase = "1.3.4"
RecursiveArrayTools = "3.27"
Reexport = "1.2.2"
SciMLBase = "2.55"
SparseArrays = "1.10"
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/FractionalDiffEq.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module FractionalDiffEq

using LinearAlgebra, Reexport, SciMLBase, SpecialFunctions, SparseArrays, ToeplitzMatrices,
FFTW, RecipesBase, ForwardDiff, Polynomials, HypergeometricFunctions, DiffEqBase, ConcreteStructs
using LinearAlgebra, Reexport, SciMLBase, SpecialFunctions, SparseArrays, ToeplitzMatrices, RecursiveArrayTools,
FFTW, ForwardDiff, Polynomials, HypergeometricFunctions, DiffEqBase, ConcreteStructs, FastClosures

import SciMLBase: __solve
import DiffEqBase: solve
Expand All @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ include("types/problems.jl")


# Multi-terms fractional ordinary differential equations
Expand Down
175 changes: 90 additions & 85 deletions src/fode/bdf.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,55 +65,63 @@ function SciMLBase.__init(prob::FODEProblem, alg::BDF; dt = 0.0, reltol = 1e-6,
NNr = 2^(Q + 1) * r

# Preallocation of some variables
y = zeros(T, problem_size, N + 1)
fy = zeros(T, problem_size, N + 1)
y = [Vector{T}(undef, problem_size) for _ in 1:(N + 1)]
fy = similar(y)
zn = zeros(T, problem_size, NNr + 1)

# generate jacobian of the input function
Jfdefun(t, u) = jacobian_of_fdefun(prob.f, t, u, p)
if prob.f.jac === nothing
if iip
jac = (df, u, p, t) -> begin
_du = similar(u)
prob.f(_du, u, p, t)
_f = @closure (du, u) -> prob.f(du, u, p, t)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(df, _f, _du, u)
jac = (df, u, p, t) -> begin
_du = prob.f(u, p, t)
_f = @closure (du, u) -> (du .= prob.f(u, p, t))
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(df, _f, _du, u)
jac = prob.f.jac

# Evaluation of convolution and starting BDF_weights of the FLMM
(omega, w, s) = BDF_weights(alpha, NNr + 1)
halpha = dt^alpha

# Initializing solution and proces of computation
mesh = t0 .+ collect(0:N) * dt
y[:, 1] = high_order_prob ? u0[1, :] : u0
y[1] .= high_order_prob ? u0[1, :] : u0
temp = high_order_prob ? similar(u0[1, :]) : similar(u0)
f(temp, u0, p, t0)
fy[:, 1] = temp
prob.f(temp, u0, p, t0)
fy[1] = temp

return BDFCache{iip, T}(prob, alg, mesh, u0, alpha, halpha, y, fy, zn, Jfdefun, p,
return BDFCache{iip, T}(prob, alg, mesh, u0, alpha, halpha, y, fy, zn, jac, prob.p,
problem_size, m_alpha, m_alpha_factorial, r, N, Nr, Q, NNr, omega,
w, s, dt, reltol, abstol, maxiters, high_order_prob, kwargs)

function SciMLBase.solve!(cache::BDFCache{iip, T}) where {iip, T}
(; prob, alg, mesh, y, r, N, Q, s, dt) = cache
tfinal = mesh[end]

BDF_triangolo(cache, s + 1, r - 1, 0)

# Main process of computation by means of the FFT algorithm
nx0 = 0
ny0 = 0
ff = zeros(T, 1, 2^(Q + 2), 1)
ff[1:2] = [0 2]
ff = zeros(T, 1, 2^(Q + 2))
ff[1:2] = [0; 2]
for q in 0:Q
L = 2^q
BDF_disegna_blocchi(cache, L, ff, nx0 + L * r, ny0)
ff[1:(4 * L)] = [ff[1:(2 * L)]; ff[1:(2 * L - 1)]; 4 * L]
# Evaluation solution in TFINAL when TFINAL is not in the mesh
if tfinal < mesh[N + 1]
c = (tfinal - mesh[N]) / dt
mesh[N + 1] = tfinal
y[:, N + 1] = (1 - c) * y[:, N] + c * y[:, N + 1]
mesh = mesh[1:(N + 1)]
y = y[:, 1:(N + 1)]
y = collect(Vector{eltype(y)}, eachcol(y))

return DiffEqBase.build_solution(prob, alg, mesh, y)
Expand All @@ -122,28 +130,28 @@ function BDF_disegna_blocchi(
cache::BDFCache{iip, T}, L::P, ff, nx0::P, ny0::P) where {P <: Integer, iip, T}
(; r, Nr, N) = cache

nxi::Int = copy(nx0)
nxf::Int = copy(nx0 + L * r - 1)
nyi::Int = copy(ny0)
nyf::Int = copy(ny0 + L * r - 1)
nxi::Int = nx0
nxf::Int = nx0 + L * r - 1
nyi::Int = ny0
nyf::Int = ny0 + L * r - 1
is = 1
s_nxi = zeros(T, N)
s_nxf = zeros(T, N)
s_nyi = zeros(T, N)
s_nyf = zeros(T, N)
s_nxi[is] = nxi
s_nxf[is] = nxf
s_nyi[is] = nyi
s_nyf[is] = nyf
s_nxi = Vector{T}(undef, N)
s_nxf = similar(s_nxi)
s_nyi = similar(s_nxi)
s_nyf = similar(s_nxi)
s_nxi[1] = nxi
s_nxf[1] = nxf
s_nyi[1] = nyi
s_nyf[1] = nyf
i_triangolo = 0
stop = false
while ~stop
while !stop
stop = (nxi + r - 1 == nx0 + L * r - 1) || (nxi + r - 1 >= Nr - 1)
BDF_quadrato(cache, nxi, nxf, nyi, nyf)
BDF_triangolo(cache, nxi, nxi + r - 1, nxi)
i_triangolo = i_triangolo + 1

if ~stop
if !stop
if nxi + r - 1 == nxf
i_Delta = ff[i_triangolo]
Delta = i_Delta * r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,81 +186,73 @@ function BDF_quadrato(cache::BDFCache, nxi::P, nxf::P, nyi::P, nyf::P) where {P
funz_beg = nyi + 1
funz_end = nyf + 1
vett_coef = omega[(coef_beg + 1):(coef_end + 1)]
vett_funz = [cache.fy[:, funz_beg:funz_end] zeros(problem_size, funz_end - funz_beg + 1)]
vett_funz = [reduce(hcat, cache.fy[funz_beg:funz_end]) zeros(problem_size, funz_end - funz_beg + 1)]
zzn = real(fast_conv(vett_coef, vett_funz))
cache.zn[:, (nxi + 1):(nxf + 1)] = cache.zn[:, (nxi + 1):(nxf + 1)] +
zzn[:, (nxf - nyf):(end - 1)]

function BDF_triangolo(
cache::BDFCache{iip, T}, nxi::P, nxf::P, j0) where {P <: Integer, iip, T}
(; prob, mesh, problem_size, zn, Jfdefun, N, abstol, maxiters, s, w, omega, halpha, p) = cache
(; prob, mesh, problem_size, zn, jac, N, abstol, maxiters, s, w, omega, halpha, p) = cache
Jfn0 = Matrix{T}(undef, problem_size, problem_size)
for n in nxi:min(N, nxf)
n1 = n + 1
St = ABM_starting_term(cache, mesh[n1])

Phi = zeros(T, problem_size, 1)
for j in 0:s
Phi = Phi + w[j + 1, n1] * cache.fy[:, j + 1]
Phi = Phi + w[j + 1, n1] * cache.fy[j + 1]
for j in j0:(n - 1)
Phi = Phi + omega[n - j + 1] * cache.fy[:, j + 1]
Phi = Phi + omega[n - j + 1] * cache.fy[j + 1]
Phi_n = St + halpha * (zn[:, n1] + Phi)

yn0 = cache.y[:, n]
temp = zeros(T, problem_size)
prob.f(temp, yn0, p, mesh[n1])
fn0 = temp
Jfn0 = Jf_vectorfield(mesh[n1], yn0, Jfdefun)
yn0 = cache.y[n]
fn0 = similar(yn0)
prob.f(fn0, yn0, p, mesh[n1])
@views jac(Jfn0, yn0, p, mesh[n1])
Gn0 = yn0 - halpha * omega[1] * fn0 - Phi_n
stop = false
it = 0
yn1 = similar(yn0)
fn1 = similar(yn0)
while ~stop
while !stop
JGn0 = zeros(T, problem_size, problem_size) + I - halpha * omega[1] * Jfn0
yn1 = yn0 - JGn0 \ Gn0
yn1 = yn0 - vec(JGn0 \ Gn0)
prob.f(fn1, yn1, p, mesh[n1])
Gn1 = yn1 - halpha * omega[1] * fn1 - Phi_n
it = it + 1

stop = (norm(yn1 - yn0, Inf) < abstol) || (norm(Gn1, Inf) < abstol)
if it > maxiters && ~stop
if it > maxiters && !stop
@warn "Non Convergence"
stop = true

yn0 = yn1
Gn0 = Gn1
if ~stop
Jfn0 = Jf_vectorfield(mesh[n1], yn0, Jfdefun)
if !stop
@views jac(Jfn0, yn0, p, mesh[n1])
cache.y[:, n1] = yn1
cache.fy[:, n1] = fn1
cache.y[n1] = yn1
cache.fy[n1] = fn1

function BDF_first_approximations(cache::BDFCache{iip, T}) where {iip, T}
(; prob, mesh, abstol, problem_size, maxiters, s, halpha, omega, w, Jfdefun, p) = cache
(; prob, mesh, abstol, problem_size, maxiters, s, halpha, omega, w, jac, p) = cache

Im = zeros(problem_size, problem_size) + I
Ims = zeros(problem_size * s, problem_size * s) + I
Y0 = zeros(T, s * problem_size, 1)
F0 = copy(Y0)
B0 = copy(Y0)
Y0 = VectorOfArray([cache.y[1] for _ in 1:s])
F0 = similar(Y0)
B0 = similar(Y0)
for j in 1:s
Y0[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1] = cache.y[:, 1]
temp = zeros(length(cache.y[:, 1]))
prob.f(temp, cache.y[:, 1], p, mesh[j + 1])
F0[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1] = temp
prob.f(F0.u[j], cache.y[1], p, mesh[j + 1])
St = ABM_starting_term(cache, mesh[j + 1])
B0[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1] = St +
halpha *
(omega[j + 1] +
w[1, j + 1]) *
cache.fy[:, 1]
B0.u[j] = St + halpha * (omega[j + 1] + w[1, j + 1]) * cache.fy[1]
W = zeros(T, s, s)
for i in 1:s
Expand All @@ -265,32 +265,29 @@ function BDF_first_approximations(cache::BDFCache{iip, T}) where {iip, T}
W = halpha * kron(W, Im)
G0 = Y0 - B0 - W * F0
G0 = vec(Y0 - B0) - W * vec(F0)
JF = zeros(T, s * problem_size, s * problem_size)
J_temp = Matrix{T}(undef, problem_size, problem_size)
for j in 1:s
JF[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), ((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size)] = Jf_vectorfield(
mesh[j + 1], cache.y[:, 1], Jfdefun)
jac(J_temp, cache.y[1], p, mesh[j + 1])
JF[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), ((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size)] .= J_temp
stop = false
it = 0
F1 = zeros(T, s * problem_size, 1)
F1 = similar(F0)
Y1 = similar(Y0)
while ~stop
while !stop
JG = Ims - W * JF
Y1 = Y0 - JG \ G0
recursive_unflatten!(Y1, vec(Y0) - JG \ G0)

for j in 1:s
temp = zeros(T, length(Y1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1]))
prob.f(temp, Y1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1],
p, mesh[j + 1])
F1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1] = temp
prob.f(F1.u[j], Y1.u[j], p, mesh[j + 1])
G1 = Y1 - B0 - W * F1
G1 = vec(Y1 - B0) - W * vec(F1)

it = it + 1

stop = (norm(Y1 - Y0, Inf) < abstol) || (norm(G1, Inf) < abstol)
if it > maxiters && ~stop
if it > maxiters && !stop
@warn "Non Convergence"
stop = 1
Expand All @@ -299,15 +296,14 @@ function BDF_first_approximations(cache::BDFCache{iip, T}) where {iip, T}
G0 = G1
if ~stop
for j in 1:s
JF[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), ((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size)] = Jf_vectorfield(
mesh[j + 1],
Y1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1], Jfdefun)
jac(J_temp, Y1.u[j], p, mesh[j+1])
JF[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), ((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size)] .= J_temp
for j in 1:s
cache.y[:, j + 1] = Y1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1]
cache.fy[:, j + 1] = F1[((j - 1) * problem_size + 1):(j * problem_size), 1]
cache.y[j + 1] = Y1.u[j]
cache.fy[j + 1] = F1.u[j]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +343,7 @@ function BDF_weights(alpha, N)
nn .^ (nu + alpha)
if i == 0
nn_nu_alpha[i + 1, :] = zeros(1, N + 1)
nn_nu_alpha[i + 1, :] = zeros(N + 1)
nn_nu_alpha[i + 1, :] = gamma(nu + 1) / gamma(nu + 1 + alpha) *
nn .^ (nu + alpha)
Expand All @@ -369,7 +365,7 @@ function ABM_starting_term(cache::BDFCache{iip, T}, t) where {iip, T}
(; u0, m_alpha, mesh, m_alpha_factorial, high_order_prob) = cache
t0 = mesh[1]
u0 = high_order_prob ? reshape(u0, 1, length(u0)) : u0
ys = zeros(size(u0, 1), 1)
ys = zeros(size(u0, 1))
for k in 1:m_alpha
ys = ys + (t - t0)^(k - 1) / m_alpha_factorial[k] * u0[:, k]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,3 +401,12 @@ function _convert_single_term_to_vectorized_prob!(prob::FODEProblem)
return new_prob

@views function recursive_unflatten!(y::VectorOfArray, x::AbstractArray)
i = 0
for yᵢ in y
copyto!(yᵢ, x[(i + 1):(i + length(yᵢ))])
i += length(yᵢ)
return nothing

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Benchmark Results

Benchmark suite Current: 8dd594d Previous: 9a7b5d4 Ratio
FLMM/Trapezoid 16727289 ns 18397976.5 ns 0.91
FLMM/NewtonGregory 16744188 ns 17944961 ns 0.93
FLMM/BDF 16152978.5 ns 17901242 ns 0.90

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