This release contains the following features:
- You can now use the Keras Sequential model for classification and regression. Please refer to the KERASC and KERASR entries in the algos.yml configuration file. Note that the input_shape argument is automatically added by AlphaPy based on the shape of the training set, with a limit of 10 layers per model.
# Keras Classification
model_type : classification
layers : ["Dense(12, activation='relu')",
"Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')"]
compiler : {"optimizer" : 'rmsprop',
"loss" : 'binary_crossentropy',
"metrics" : 'accuracy'}
params : {"epochs" : 50,
"batch_size" : 10,
"verbose" : 1}
grid : {}
# Keras Regression
model_type : regression
layers : ["Dense(10, activation='relu')",
compiler : {"optimizer" : 'rmsprop',
"loss" : 'mse'}
params : {"epochs" : 50,
"batch_size" : 10,
"verbose" : 1}
grid : {}
Remove redundant RFE code and estimator classes. RFE is performed only when the coef_ or feature_importances_ attribute is present.
Report (log) only those metrics that are relevant to either classification or regression.
Added Brier Score and Cohen's Kappa for classification metrics.
Remove the scoring field from the algos.yml configuration file. Just use scoring_function in the model.yml file.