This guide works on Ubuntu 14.04 (recommended), or 16.04.
- Installing and configuring:
Part 1.1) Installing Dependencies: OMNeT++ 4.6
Castalia is a simulator which works as an expansion of OMNeT ++ libraries, downloadable through the link:
1) Uncompress the file in your Home folder.
2) Press the shortcut ctrl + alt + T and type in the terminal the command:
sudo gedit .bashrc
2.1) This command will open a text file with the environment variables, at the end of this file, add the line:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/omnetpp-4.6/bin
2.2) Save and close the file. Close the terminal to update the added line in the system.
3) Enter the folder omnetpp-4.6, open terminal inside the folder (right mouse button -> open terminal here) and run the commands:
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl tcl-dev tk-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev default-jre doxygen graphviz libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
4) After completing the procedure above, test the installation of OMNeT ++ with the commands:
cd samples/dyna
For further information about OMNeT++, the complete installation guide is available at the following link:
Part 1.2) Configuring Castalia
1) Press the shortcut ctrl + alt + T and clone the git files on your home folder.
git clone
2) On the same terminal window, type the command:
sudo gedit .bashrc
2.1) This command will open a text file with the environment variables, at the end of this file, add the line:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/DTN-Model4EnvApplications/bin
2.2) Save and close the file. Close the terminal to update the added line in the system.
3) Enter the folder Castalia-3.2, open terminal inside the folder and run the following command to compile the simulator:
3.1) Note: Whenever you change some source file from the /src folder, you need to recompile the simulator via the command above in order to update the changes.
- Running the simulations
Part 2.1) Installing dependencies and generating inputs:
1) Go to the folder /DTN-Model4EnvApplications/Parameters/headers, install dependencies for R Scripts:
sudo apt-get install r-base
Rscript dependencies-InstallAndRun.R
2) All Input files with field samples, nodes deployment and Voronoi diagrams was already generated, but if you want to generate again, run the command:
Part 2.2) Running the simulations:
1) All the files generated at command above will be saved at the folder /DTN-Model4EnvApplications/Parameters/NodesData
2) Simulations are located at folder /DTN-Model4EnvApplications/Simulations, on the subfolders:
2.1) /varyBuffer
2.2) /varyModel
2.3) /varyNodes
2.4) /varyPower
2.5) /varySampleRate
2.6) /varySpeed
2.7) /varyTime
Run the .sh script inside the choosen subfolder, for example, at /DTN-Model4EnvApplications/Simulations/varyBuffer:
Note: these .sh scripts have a parallelism parameter to control how many processes will run simultaneously called "threads", set to 8 by default. Increase it if you have a strong machine or will run it on a server will many CPU-cores.
Part 2.3) Evaluate results and Generate the plots:
1) When the simulation finish, run the script to evaluate the results:
Rscript pairIndexes-Nodes.R
Results will be stored at subfolders /resultados-erro and /resultados-cobertura
2) Inside the folders /resultados-erro and /resultados-cobertura, search for R scripts to plot the graphics, for example,
at /DTN-Model4EnvApplications/Simulations/varyBuffer/resultados-erro:
Rscript plotGraphic-Error-Buffer.R