Training and evaluation of 600 Classes from Open Images Dataset V5 with transferlearning, freeze layers, gpu
The original yolo3 code was rewritten and testet with several thousands of classes.
Finally this work ended in:
Current dependencies for tensorflow version:
- cuda = 10.0
- cudnjn = 7.6.4
- tensorflow-gpu = 2.2
!pip install pandarallel tensorflow-gpu==2.2
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import random
import easydict
import tensorflow
import PIL
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandarallel
import warnings
Within this path all the data will be stored in subdirectorys. E.g:
- annotations - subdir: conf
- classified images - subdir: images
- model exports - subdir: exports
- computed weights - subidr: weights
- computerd mAP - subdir: metrics
We need to create at least conf and images subdirectorys, other subdirectorys will be created depending on the trainig options of the YOLO3 model
train_dir = 'Y3_openimageV5/'
code_dir = 'Y3'
for p in ['conf','images']:
if not os.path.exists(train_dir+'/'+p):
os.makedirs(train_dir+'/'+p, exist_ok=True)
%cd $train_dir'conf'
!wget -q
!wget -q
!wget -q
!unzip -qq
raw_annots = pd.read_csv("test-annotations-bbox.csv")
raw_classes = pd.read_csv("class-descriptions-boxable.csv", names=["name","label"])
classes = raw_classes.label
Functions for transfering annot data
def get_index_of_class(x):
return raw_classes[ == str(x) ].index[0]
def get_label_of_class(x):
return raw_classes[ == str(x) ].label.values[0]
imgs = {}
def get_width_of_img(img):
if not img in imgs:
return imgs[img][0]
def get_height_of_img(img):
if not img in imgs:
return imgs[img][1]
annots = raw_annots[['ImageID', 'XMin', 'YMin', 'XMax', 'YMax','LabelName']]#[:100] # slice the to lower size for testing
annots.loc[:,'LabelIndex'] = annots.loc[:,'LabelName'].apply(get_index_of_class)
annots.loc[:,'Label'] = annots.loc[:,'LabelName'].apply(get_label_of_class)
annots.loc[:,'ImagePath'] = train_dir+'test/'+annots.loc[:,'ImageID']+'.jpg'
annots.loc[:,'width'] = annots.loc[:,'ImagePath'].apply(get_width_of_img)
annots.loc[:,'height'] = annots.loc[:,'ImagePath'].apply(get_height_of_img)
annots.loc[:,'XMin'] = annots.loc[:,'XMin'].multiply(annots['width']).astype(int)#.astype('str')+','
annots.loc[:,'XMax'] = annots.loc[:,'XMax'].multiply(annots['width']).astype(int)#.astype('str')+','
annots.loc[:,'YMin'] = annots.loc[:,'YMin'].multiply(annots['height']).astype(int)#.astype('str')+','
annots.loc[:,'YMax'] = annots.loc[:,'YMax'].multiply(annots['height']).astype(int)#.astype('str')+','
annots['polygon'] = annots.loc[:,['XMin','YMin','XMax','YMax']].values.tolist()
def create_annots(annots, classes):
annotations = []
for i in annots.ImageID.unique():
full_image_path = annots[annots['ImageID'] == i].iloc[0]['ImagePath']
# if filename does not exitst, continue
if not os.path.exists(full_image_path):
print('ERROR: Image does not exist: {}'.format(full_image_path))
labels = []
# for same image
for n in range(len(annots[annots['ImageID'] == i ])):
x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max = [ i for i in annots[annots['ImageID'] == i].iloc[n]['polygon'] ]
width = annots[annots['ImageID'] == i].iloc[n]['width'].astype(int)
height = annots[annots['ImageID'] == i].iloc[n]['height'].astype(int)
# check if second x is higher than width or first y is higher than height
if (( x_max > width) or (y_max > height )):
print('ERROR: x:{} is higher than widht:{} or y:{} is higher than height:{}'.format(x_max, width, y_max, height))
labels.append('{},{},{},{},{}'.format(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, annots[annots['ImageID'] == i].iloc[n]['LabelIndex']))
# ommit if no labes for current image
if len(labels) == 0:
# append image with labes to annots
annotations.append(full_image_path+' '+' '.join(labels))
return annotations
annotations = create_annots(annots, raw_classes)
All files will be saved to the Y3 working directory (in the conf subdirectory) Annotations will be splitted in train.txt (95%) and test.txt(5%) files for training and testing.
def save_list_to_file(file_,list_):
annot_file = open(file_, "w")
# list in list
if isinstance(list_[0],list):
for path,polygon in list_:
annot_file.write(str(path) + ' ' + str(polygon) + '\n')
# list
if isinstance(list_[0],str):
for full_string in list_:
annot_file.write(str(full_string) + '\n')
def shuffle_and_split(annots,test=5):
test = 5 # % for testing
l = len(annots)
training_list = annots[ : int(l*((100-test)/100)) ]
test_list = annots[ int(l*((100-test)/100)) : -1 ]
!sed s/"jpg,"/"jpg "/g -i *.txt
It make sense run this process once at the beginning to check whether the labels are set correct
def draw_rectangels_to_labeld_images(annot_file,save_path, relative_path=False):
annot_file = open(annot_file, "r")
annotations =
# every annotation is leafleat
for l in annotations:
filename = l.split()[0].split('/')[-1][:-3]+'png'
pathfilename = l.split()[0]
if relative_path:
save_path = save_path+os.path.dirname(pathfilename)
if not os.path.exists(save_path):
save_filepath = save_path
polygons = [ int(y) for x in str(l.split('jpg ')[1]).split(',') for y in x.split(' ') ]
im =
# Display the image
plt.figure(figsize = FIG_SIZE)
plt.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest')
# Get the current reference
ax = plt.gca()
#for polygon in [ polygons[i:i+8] for i in range(0,len(polygons),8) ]:
for pol in [ polygons[i:i+5] for i in range(0,len(polygons),5) ]:
#pol = [ int(p) for p in pol]
rect = Rectangle( (pol[0], pol[1]), int(pol[2]-pol[0]), int(pol[3]-pol[1]), linewidth=3,edgecolor='r',facecolor='none')
ax.text(pol[0], pol[1], classes[pol[4]], color='red')
plt.savefig(save_path+'/'+filename, bbox_inches='tight')
%cd $code_dir
!git clone
You need root permissions to install packages
!pip install -r Y3/requirements.txt
!wget -q
- --warmupepochs: the number of initial epochs during which the sizes of the 5 boxes in each cell is forced to match the sizes of the 5 anchors, this trick seems to improve precision emperically
- --epochs: number of epochs
- --map: create mean overage precision csv and png files
- --batchsize: how many images should be computed at once
- --gpu: use gpu, you can define amount of MB which should be used at the gpu device
- --trainpath: path to Y3 directory, which should consist at least of conf (including train.txt,test.txt and classes.names) and images subdirectory
- --freezebody: 1 - no, 2 = only darknet, 3 = all except 3 last layers
- --exports: export weights for using in rest-api
- --transferlearing: define weights file, which will be loaded at the beginning
!python Y3/ --warmupepochs 2 --epochs 5 --map --batchsize 5 --trainpath $train_dir --transferlearning yolov3.weights --freezebody 1 --export
The performance of object localization and classification is measured through the Mean Average Precison. This current mAP chart (7 Epochs, with transferlearning) consists of 10 best and worst classes according to their AUC (area under curve) value. The red line shows the average performance.
Following statements can be made based on the mAP:
- the more annotatins of certain class - the better performance
- also label quality plays a role (e.g. Vehicle has 1080 annots, but mAP is only 0.029)
- use only classes with at least 300 annots.
- check whether labels are set correct
- improve data-augmentation
- check failure summs for every image (remove outliers)
Some Inference examples form Open Images Dataset V5